C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

Precompiled Header Files in Visual Studio 2010

Hello, this is Andy Rich from the Visual C++ front-end team. Today, I’ll be discussing the use of precompiled header files (aka PCH files) in our new intellisense architecture. Back in May, Boris briefly mentioned an intellisense optimization based on precompiled header technology. This post will elaborate on that comment by providing a ...

How to read/write the new Visual C++ project properties

Visual C++ 2010 introduces several new project properties and item metadata that are not accessible via the traditional VC interfaces.  Andrew Arnott discusses the new way to read and write project properties in Visual C++ 2010 using the IVCRulePropertyStorage interface here...

Dialog Editor Improvements in Visual Studio 2010

Hello, my name is Daofa Li, and I am on the Visual C++ QA team. In this post I will be sharing with you the improvements in Dialog Editor for Visual Studio 2010. In Visual Studio 2010, we have improved Dialog Editor in the following features: ·         Add mockup image support to help layout controls ...

VCBuild vs. C++ MSBuild on the Command Line

In Visual Studio 2010, the command line tool vcbuild.exe will be replaced by msbuild.exe. The executable change does mean switches will change, too.  To help make the migration easier, I have created this table as a quick guide to the new switches and highlight some differences between the tools.  The table below isn’t a ...

DIA based Stack Walking

Hello, I am Manish Vasani, an SDET on the VC++ compiler backend team. In this series of posts, I will talk about call stacks and how to use the DIA SDK for implementing a stack walking client that builds a call stack. If you are interested in knowing how debuggers build the call stack or want to write an application that dumps the call stack ...

C++ Native Multi-Targeting

Instructions for native multitargeting in VS2017 can be found here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/02/24/stuck-on-an-older-toolset-version-move-to-visual-studio-2015-without-upgrading-your-toolset/ Hello, my name is Li Shao. I am a Software Design Engineer in Test on the C++ team. For the past two years, I have been ...

/GL and PGO

Hi, I’m Lin Xu, a Program Manager working on the C++ compiler. Recently, we collated performance numbers from our testing passes over this release cycle. We track many different benchmarks closely for all of the architectures and switch options (/O1, /O2, /GL, /PGO). We also track these across multiple CPU models. (Yes, this is quite a big ...

TechEd Europe Demo Session – Face-Lifting MFC Applications on Windows 7

Hello, My name is Damien Watkins, and I am a Program Manager on the Visual C++ team. Today, I thought I would post the “overview script” for my TechEd Europe session – so those who could not attend can try it out for themselves at home. My talk was about the new MFC features we have added in Visual Studio 2010. Just before we get started...

Improvements to Find all references in Visual Studio 2010

Hello, my name is Raman Sharma, and I am a Program Manager on the VC++ team.  Through this blog post, I wish to highlight some changes we have made to an important feature in the C++ IDE, called “Find all References”.  As most of you would know, this feature is used to search for references to any element of your code (classes, ...

Visual C++ Precompiled Header Errors on Windows 7

Several customers have encountered the following error while using the Visual C++ compiler on Windows 7: fatal error C1859: 'stdafx.pch' unexpected precompiled header error, simply rerunning the compiler might fix this problem This error manifests under the following conditions:·        ...