January 16th, 2015

Code Analysis Survey

The Visual C++ team loves surveys, but maybe not for the reasons you think.

Surveys are often used to collect data that is sliced, diced, aggregated and munged to provide objective audience insights. We use some of our surveys for this purpose — how common is the use of some feature, scenario, or inhibition to upgrade to a newer version of Visual Studio. Good stuff.

We love surveys because they let us reach out and talk to you, real developers building applications for a variety of systems, hardware, and circumstances. These interviews provide subjective insights — which code editors work best for embedded development, quirks of source control for game assets, and debugging challenges on different platforms. We have chatted with many of you; we hope to chat with many, many more.

We hope you love surveys too; we have another one for you to fill out, this time focusing on code analysis experiences. Do us a favor and spend ~10 minutes to take the survey. Equally important, ask your colleagues (who might not use Visual Studio) to take the survey. Opt in to chat with us.

Next week, we will share some results from our broader iOS/Linux survey from a few months back.




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