April 3rd, 2014

CppCon – The C++ Conference

In 2012 and 2013, Microsoft put on the GoingNative conference which is all about portable C++ on all compilers and platforms. The two GoingNative events were wildly popular and have been two of the biggest C++ conferences ever, so developers have been asking us: Will there be a GoingNative 2014, and when?

In his Build conference session Modern C++: What You Need to Know today, Herb Sutter announced that the GoingNative organizers have decided that there’s no need to put on a standalone GoingNative 2014, because there’s going to be something even better: The GoingNative organizers and the Visual C++ team are going to put their efforts behind organizing and promoting the new CppCon to be held in Bellevue, WA September 7-12, 2014.

Bjarne Stroustrup is the opening keynote speaker.

From the CppCon web site:

CppCon is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community. You will enjoy inspirational talks and a friendly atmosphere designed to help attendees learn from each other, meet interesting people, and generally have a stimulating experience. Taking place this year in the beautiful Seattle neighborhood and including multiple diverse tracks, the conference will appeal to anyone from C++ novices to experts.

That’s exactly what we’re seeing as it shapes up, and we are super excited to be one of the supporters of CppCon. It will truly be an honorable and better replacement for GoingNative – GN on steroids, if you will, but also more than GN was by itself. With CppCon, there’s no longer a need to put on a separate GoingNative – CppCon is just better in every way.

The Call for Submissions is still open, so we don’t know the final session list yet. However, topics that are expected to be covered in CppCon sessions include some you’ll likely anticipate, as well as others you’ll be surprised and delighted to see covered by experts in their fields:

  • C++11 and C++14, of course
  • C++ libraries and frameworks
  • Parallelism and multiprocessing, including coverage of the Concurrency TS, Parallelism TS, and other C++ libraries and tools for parallel computing
  • Concepts and generic programming
  • Functional programming
  • High-performance and low-latency computing
  • Real-world application experience reports
  • Tools and processes for C++ development
  • Using C++ in mobile applications, embedded devices, and Internet of Things
  • Industry-specific C++: gaming, trading, scientific, robotics, …
  • And more…

If you liked GoingNative, you will love CppCon – think of it as a huge superset of GoingNative. Whereas GoingNative was limited to 300 in-person attendees, CppCon is not. It will contain all the high-quality talks and panels that GoingNative had, but for twice as long (a whole week) and across several tracks (roughly five) instead of just one, for a total of 150+ talk sessions expected – plus more than just regular talks, including “unconference time” with lightning talks, birds-of-a-feather sessions, evening gatherings, and more.

We strongly recommend and endorse CppCon as “the” C++ conference. If you were waiting for GoingNative 2014, we can say without reservation: Run, don’t walk, to register for CppCon. Super Early Bird Registration is now open, and Student Registration is also available for a limited number of students.

Besides the CppCon announcement at the end, Herb’s session also contained a lot of other useful material including answering “when should I use C++?”, “what should I know about C++ if I’m a {Java|C#|Javascript|Python|…} developer?” and why if you’re serious about performance you will love contiguous arrays.

If you weren’t able to be in the room, watch for a recording of the full session, and of our team’s other C++ talks at Build, to be available in a few days.





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