June 13th, 2023

Improved Doxygen Overload Resolution

Mryam Girmay
Program Manager

We are excited to announce an enhanced Doxygen Comment Support for C++ in Visual Studio 17.7 Preview 2. To start using this feature, ensure to update to the latest version of Visual Studio Preview.  

Improved Doxygen overload resolution 

Doxygen comment support has been enhanced to improve the visibility and consistency of shared Doxygen comments across all overloads of a function. Previously, these comments were only displayed in Quick Info for the first overload, as shown below. 

Doxygen Comment Before ImprovementWith this feature improvement, the shared Doxygen comment will now appear in Quick Info of all other overloads as well. This enhancement is demonstrated below. 

Doxygen Comment After ImprovementIn cases where the Doxygen comment is not directly positioned above an overload but is applicable to that overload, the Quick Info explicitly indicates this by including the text “Documentation from another overload.” This ensures that you are aware that the information comes from a different overload of the function. 

Additionally, the Doxygen comment support now provides improved visibility for unused parameters. The Quick Info categorizes these unused parameters under the “Unused Parameters” section, allowing developers to easily identify which parameters are mentioned in the Doxygen comment but are not utilized in the associated overload.  

Send us your feedback! 

Try out Improved Doxygen Overload Resolution by downloading the latest version of Visual Studio Preview. We value your feedback, as it greatly influences our development. Please share your thoughts in the comments below, on Developer Community, or reach out to us on Twitter (@VisualC) or via email at visualcpp@microsoft.com. We highly appreciate your inputs!




Mryam Girmay
Program Manager


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