Showing results for November 2007 - C++ Team Blog

Nov 27, 2007

Channel 9: Kate Gregory, Ale Contenti and Steve Teixeira – VC++ 2008 and Beyond

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

HelloRecently Kate Gregory (VC++ MVP), Ale Contenti (Dev Lead VC++) and Steve Teixeira (GPM VC++) attended TechEd Europe and presented sessions on VC++ (what else?) During a break in proceedings Charles Torre (Channel 9) caught up with all three in a speaker’s lounge and asked how the VC++ community was reacting to VC++ 2008, the upcoming MFC...

Nov 26, 2007

Q&A about the VC++ Intellisense QFE

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

HelloLast week, Jim announced the availability of the Intellisense fixes as a publicly downloadable QFE for Visual C++ 2005 SP1. Since then we have seen a number of customers install the QFE and we have especially enjoyed hearing about your successful experiences with the QFE. Jim has also recently blogged about macros to control the Intellisense ...

Nov 19, 2007

Controlling IntelliSense Through Macros

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hi, my name is Jim Springfield, and I’m an architect on the Visual C++ team.  When I recently blogged ( about improvements to Intellisense and overall UI responsiveness, I mentioned that there was a new mechanism that allows a developer to control ...

Nov 12, 2007

Performance Improvements in Visual C++

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hi, my name is Jim Springfield, and I’m an architect on the Visual C++ team.  I recently spent two months working on some core improvements to how VC deals with Intellisense as well as overall UI responsiveness.We observed a strong correlation between the severity of these performance issues and the size of the projects and solutions ...

Nov 9, 2007

Quick Tour Of New MFC Functionality

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hi I’m Pat Brenner, a developer on the Visual C++ libraries team.  I’m pleased to give you a sneak peek at a major MFC update we’ve been working on.  Since we’re adding a number of cool new user interface components to MFC, this blog post is going to be graphics heavy.  I’d much rather show you some of ...

Nov 9, 2007

Hola from Barcelona…and welcome to a major MFC update!

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hello again. My name is Ale Contenti, and I’m the Dev Lead for the VC++ Libraries. I’m writing this blog entry from my hotel room in Barcelona. Steve Teixeira and I are here for TechEd Developers Europe. Let me tell you that the atmosphere here is just great! Lots of people and a lot of Visual Studio and C++ users. Lots of interest in ...

Nov 9, 2007

Channel 9: Pat Brenner – Overview of new MFC update

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

In this video Pat Brenner, a developer on the Visual C++ libraries team, talks about the functionality of the new MFC update.  This significantly enhanced version of MFC will enable developers to create applications with the “look and feel” of Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer and Visual Studio.  Tune in to learn more about ...

Nov 9, 2007

Announcing a major MFC update plus TR1 support

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

As an update to Visual Studio 2008, we’re pleased to announce a major new release of the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC).  Using these components, developers will be able to create applications with the “look & feel” of Microsoft’s most popular applications – including Office, Internet Explorer and Visual ...

Nov 6, 2007

ISO C Standard Update

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hello!  My name is Arjun Bijanki, and I’m the test lead for the Visual C++ compiler.  I’m also Microsoft’s representative on the ISO C standard committee.  I recently returned from one of the committee’s semiannual meetings (this one was in Kona, Hawaii – tough trip! J)These days, the committee is ...

Nov 1, 2007

Visual Studio Build Process, VC++ Libraries and Check-in Process

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hi again. My name is Ale Contenti and I’m the dev lead of the VC++ Libraries team. You might have see me previously in my channel9 interviews. I’m now in Italy for a short vacation and I’ll be in Barcelona for TechEd starting from Nov 5. I’m really excited to go there and mingle with a lot of VC++ and Visual ...

