Showing results for May 2015 - C++ Team Blog

May 22, 2015

It is May – Take Our Survey!

Eric Battalio
Eric Battalio

Thank you for your continued support of our surveys -- the response rate continues to be phenomenal! We appreciate the time you spend, the detailed answers you provide, and your willingness to connect 1:1 to help us better understand how you create software. Thank you! We have another survey. This one focuses on the tools you use and their ...

May 7, 2015

Real World Cross-Platform Development with Visual Studio 2015: Synergex

Eric Battalio
Eric Battalio

The Visual C++ team welcomes opportunities to help partners, customers and the community (future customers) realize the benefits of Visual C++ and Visual Studio 2015. Recently, we have been fortunate to work with Synergex to go beyond debugging Windows code with Visual Studio: Now we’re focusing our efforts on moving our customers and our own...

May 1, 2015

Bringing Clang to Windows

Yuriy Solodkyy
Yuriy Solodkyy

As you may know, Visual Studio now supports building Android and iOS applications using Clang. We realize the need of our users to write cross-platform apps and we know that C++ offers massive benefits in the cross-platform arena. Clang has made impressive strides in standards conformance and diagnostics and is fast becoming the preferred C++ ...

New Feature
