vcpkg Documentation Moves to Microsoft Docs Platform

Augustin Popa

vcpkg Documentation Moves to Microsoft Docs Platform

As of today, the vcpkg documentation has a new home at This is the platform that most Microsoft documentation is hosted on and comes with many features that make it easier to search, navigate, author, and review documentation. All current vcpkg articles are now visible on the new platform. We are still in the process of removing the documentation from other locations (, the main vcpkg GitHub repo, and We will add redirects where possible to the new home for the docs to avoid breaking existing links.


vcpkg Documentation Hub

The vcpkg documentation now has a hub, or homepage, at This is a good place to start exploring the docs and find supporting materials.


vcpkg Documentation GitHub Repository

The Microsoft Docs platform uses GitHub to manage documentation articles. Previously, vcpkg documentation was available in the main vcpkg repo, so this is just a move to a new repo. The documentation is now hosted at As the repo is open source, vcpkg users can continue contributing documentation changes here. Documentation is still written in Markdown.


Give us feedback!

With the new platform, there are two notable ways you can give feedback on individual documentation articles. First, there is an upvote/downvote feature on each page available by clicking the Feedback button. Please use this feature if you have opinions to share about our docs. We will closely monitor responses here to prioritize which pages to focus on.

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Furthermore, you can give feedback by filing GitHub issues. The bottom of each page has the following section:


A picture containing application Description automatically generated

If you have feedback to share on the vcpkg tool itself, use the “This product” button to file an issue in the main vcpkg repo. If you have documentation feedback on that specific article, use the “This page” button.

Please let us know what you think in the comments below or via feedback in the documentation itself. We look forward to making further improvements to our documentation experience in the coming months.


Posted in C++


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  • Silver Zachara 0

    I welcome this thx 👍

  • Subscription Flow 0

    Great to know about this development

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