C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

C9::GoingNative: Visual C++ Upcoming IDE Demos, a CRT Talk and More!!

(image) Greetings! Charles Torre and I came back with the second episode of Channel 9 Going Native –which is actually episode 1, considering that C++, as a C-like language, starts indexing from 0. This time we follow up from a recent article that my colleague and friend Sumit Kumar (Program Manager in the Visual C++ team) wrote last ...

First Look at the New C++ IDE Productivity Features in Visual Studio 11

(image) Hi! I am Sumit Kumar, a Program Manager on the Visual C++ team. Today I will talk to you about some of the exciting new IDE functionality in the next version of Visual Studio that will make you, the C++ developer, more productive with your daily code focused tasks. In this blog post you will get a preview of the new features ...