The Old New Thing
Practical development throughout the evolution of Windows.
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On the limits of time travel in the face of undefined behavior in C
C imposes some constraints, but the principle is mostly still there.
On locale-aware substring matching, either case-sensitive or case-insensitive
It's surprisingly complicated, but fortunately, somebody has done it for you.
What has case distinction but is neither uppercase nor lowercase?
It has one foot in each world but belongs to neither.
I have enabled “take ownership” permission, but I still cannot obtain write access
Taking ownership is only one part of gaining write access.
Reverse-engineering what a “short” section is
The long and short of it all.
How useful is the hint passed to the std::unordered_…
Only a little, or sometimes not at all.
How can I explicitly specialize a templated C++ constructor, follow-up notes
You can use a maker function, but that doesn't let you escape the problem.
It rather involved being on the other side of the airtight hatchway: Defeating ASLR after you’ve gained RCE via ROP
If you defeat ASLR, then you can defeat ASLR.
How do I create a Windows Runtime IRandomAccessStream
around a bunch of bytes or a classic COM IStream
Another wrapper function.