Showing results for December 2014 - C++ Team Blog

Dec 12, 2014

Debug JNI Android Applications using Visual C++ Cross-Platform Mobile

Ankit Asthana
Ankit Asthana

With Visual Studio 2015 preview (download here) we have introduced the ability for developers to create cross-platform mobile applications with Visual C++. For the Android platform specifically this enablement includes ability for developers to create native-activity applications, dynamic and static native binaries along with a range of features to...

Dec 8, 2014

Visual Studio 2015 Preview: Work-in-Progress Security Feature

Jim Hogg
Jim Hogg

BackgroundThe Preview for Visual Studio 2015 was announced on November 12, 2014.  It includes a new, work-in-progress feature, called Control Flow Guard.  By simply adding a new option to your Project, the Visual C++ compiler will inject extra security checks into your binaries.  These will detect attempts to hijack your code.  ...

Dec 5, 2014

Developing Native-Activity (Android) applications

Ankit Asthana
Ankit Asthana

Overview Visual Studio 2015 preview (download here) introduces the ability for developers to create Android Native Activity application as a part of the cross-platform mobile development. Android platform with Android Native Activity (API Level 9) introduced the capability to create pure C/C++ applications. While there is some hidden Java JNI code...

Dec 2, 2014

GoingNative 32: C++17 Sneak Preview

Eric Battalio
Eric Battalio

From Sneak Preview of C++17 Channel9:Join us with ISO Committee member (and Microsoft as well, of course =P) Gabriel Dos Reis, who graciously took the time to give us the inside scoop of some things that made it into C++17, as well as things that got taken out. All this is fresh off the press of the most recent C++ Standards ...

