March 10th, 2015

Going Native: Build Throughput, PCH Tool

The Visual C++ team is committed to improving your build throughput in VS2015, and we’re not just talking about shaving-off-a-few-seconds-chump-change. Check out our latest GoingNative video for a slew of tools to help you get those gains, and in particular, be sure to try out our Precompiled Header (PCH) Tool on VS Gallery and let us know how it works out for you!

A properly configured Precompiled Header (PCH) can potentially speed up your build time by 10x or more, but not everyone is familiar with generating a PCH and/or setting up their project to make use of it. The PCH Tool helps analyze your project’s source files, recommends headers to add to your new/existing PCH (and then does it for you if approved), and modifies compiler settings to ensure that it utilizes the PCH!





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