Showing results for June 2021 - C++ Team Blog

Jun 30, 2021

Customized Warning Levels and Code Analysis for External Headers

Will Buik Will Buik

If you have tried to keep your code clean by selecting strict compiler warning levels or code analysis rulesets, you likely know how frustrating it can be to see these warnings for headers that are not part of your project. To alleviate this, we’ve made it easy to mark headers as external to your project in the latest preview Visual Studio 2019. ...

Jun 23, 2021

STL Visualizers on GitHub

Anju Del Moral Gonzalez Anju Del Moral Gonzalez

We are happy to announce that now it’s possible to contribute to the STL Visualizers for Visual Studio's debugger on GitHub. A visualizer is a file with .natvis extension that allows you to manipulate the way native types appear in the debugger's watch window.  We've been working on fixing existing issues with the visualizers and ...

Jun 22, 2021

Address Sanitizer Now in “Early Release” for Xbox Developers

David Li David Li

Address Sanitizer is now available on Xbox, developers can leverage this powerful technology to help debug memory issues in their titles.  Combined with the crash dump changes detailed here, it should provide all the flexibility required to support your automated tests suites and enable you to find issues quickly and easily.

C++Game Development
Jun 10, 2021

Static Analysis Fixes, Improvements, and Updates in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10

Jordan Maples Jordan Maples

The C++ static analysis team is committed to making your C++ coding experience as safe as possible. We are adding richer code safety checks and addressing high impact customer feedback bugs posted on the  C++ Developer Community page. Thank you for engaging with us and giving us great feedback on the past releases and early previews leading to ...

Jun 9, 2021

<format> in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10

Charlie Barto Charlie Barto

C++20 adds a new text formatting facility to the standard library, designed primarily to replace and friends with a fast and type safe interface. The standardized library is based on the existing {fmt} library, so users of that library will feel at home. Before diving into how works I want to thank Victor Zverovich, Elnar Dakeshov, Casey ...

Jun 1, 2021

C++20’s Extensions to Chrono Available in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10

Miya Natsuhara Miya Natsuhara

While the header has been available as part of the STL since C++11, among the changes included in C++20 there were several extensions to chrono including support for calendrical types, time zones, leap seconds, and integration with format. A great deal of innovation and work was required in order to complete these additional features; shipping ...

