Showing results for October 2020 - C++ Team Blog

Oct 29, 2020

A Tour of C++ Modules in Visual Studio

Will Buik
Will Buik

C++ module support has arrived in Visual Studio! Grab the latest Visual Studio Preview if you want to try it out. C++ modules can help you compartmentalize your code, speed up build times, and they work seamlessly, side-by-side with your existing code. This preview only supports C++ modules in the IDE for MSBuild projects. While the MSVC toolset...

Oct 28, 2020

Even More New Safety Rules in C++ Code Analysis

Hwi-sung Im
Hwi-sung Im

In Visual Studio version 16.8 Preview 3,  we have added a few safety rules to C++ Code Analysis that can find some common mistakes, which can lead to bugs ranging from simple broken features to costly security vulnerabilities. These new rules are developed around issues discovered in production software via ...

C++DiagnosticsWriting Code
Oct 23, 2020

Typelib and ActiveX now supported in MFC Wizards 

Anju Del Moral Gonzalez
Anju Del Moral Gonzalez

We are happy to announce that the Typelib and ActiveX Wizards are now available in Visual Studio 2019.   We’ve been working on rewriting all the wizards in Visual Studio to make them more accessible. These two wizards were not initially part of our rewriting plans and they were marked as deprecated in Visual Studio 2017 and ...

Oct 14, 2020

C++20 STL Features: 1 Year of Development on GitHub

Stephan T. Lavavej - MSFT
Stephan T. Lavavej - MSFT

My CppCon 2020 talk, “C++20 STL Features: 1 Year of Development on GitHub”, is now available on YouTube. The slides are available on GitHub as PDF and original PPTX. The talk contains complete examples (not snippets!) of several C++20 features: integer comparison functions, constexpr algorithms, uniform container erasure, atomic_ref, and ...

Oct 13, 2020

Introducing the new Azure SDK for C++ Beta

Billy O'Neal
Billy O'Neal

The Azure SDK team is pleased to announce their first beta release of the new Azure SDK for C++. Unlike the previous Azure Storage specific SDK, the new Azure SDK for C++ is idiomatic to the C++ language and ensures consistency in behavior and API surface when communicating with multiple Azure services. This initial beta supports Azure Blob Storage...

Oct 12, 2020

Faster C++ builds, simplified: a new metric for time

Kevin Cadieux
Kevin Cadieux

C++ Build Insights is a collection of tools and APIs that can help you gain a deeper understanding of your build times. Today, we’d like to teach you about a special metric offered in this toolkit: the wall clock time responsibility (WCTR). It can be used to estimate how much time is really spent by each activity in your build, even in the ...

Oct 6, 2020

Build and debug Qt projects on Linux with Qt Visual Studio Tools

Erika Sweet
Erika Sweet

Qt is a popular cross-platform framework for application development and user interface design. Its various libraries and toolsets can be used to create, test, and deploy applications that target multiple platforms and operating systems including Linux, Windows, macOS and embedded/microcontroller systems. Qt recently released a new version of the ...

Oct 6, 2020

C++ Core Check in Visual Studio

Jordan Maples
Jordan Maples

C++ Core Check is Microsoft’s static analysis tool that enforces the rules from the C++ Core Guidelines, which is maintained by the C++ Foundation. This post is to provide a snapshot of the C++ Core Guidelines coverage that C++ Core Check offers. For background, the C++ team introduced C++ Core Check in December 2015 as part of Visual Studio ...

Oct 2, 2020

New Safety Rules in C++ Code Analysis

Hwi-sung Im
Hwi-sung Im

In Visual Studio version 16.8 Preview 3,  we are adding a few safety rules to C++ Code Analysis that can find some common mistakes, which can lead to bugs ranging from simple broken features to costly security vulnerabilities. These new rules are developed around issues discovered in production software via security reviews and ...

C++New FeatureDiagnostics
