C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

Latest and Greatest in Visual Studio 2017 for C++ developers

Daniel Moth and Steve Carroll shared what's new in VS 2017 and Updates for C++ developers at CppCon yesterday. You can grab the slides from the talk here, or here in PDF format. A video of the talk is available on YouTube:  If you're at the conference stop by our booth on the fourth floor to ask questions, grab a T-shirt, and take our ...

The Microsoft C++ team is at CppCon 2017

The Microsoft C++ team is at CppCon 2017. Take our survey, attend talks by our team members, and drop by our booth to say hello! Visual Studio team members are presenting in a great set of talks this year: We'll also be participating on a few panels: There are also some talks from other ...

CMake support in Visual Studio – CMake 3.9, Linux targeting, feedback

点这里看中文版 Visual Studio 2017 15.4 Preview 2 is now available and includes enhancements to Visual Studio’s CMake tools.  The latest preview upgrades CMake to version 3.9, includes better support for independent CMakeLists, and supports targeting Linux directly. Please check out the preview and try out the latest CMake features...

Two-phase name lookup support comes to MSVC

点这里看中文版 This post written by Tanveer Gani, Stephan T. Lavavej, Andrew Marino, Gabriel Dos Reis, and Andrew Pardoe "Two-phase name lookup" is an informal term that refers to a set of rules governing the resolution of names used in a template declaration. These rules were formalized more than two decades ago in an attempt to ...