C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

Vcpkg: 2019.07 Update

The 2019.07 update of vcpkg, a tool that helps you manage C and C++ libraries on Windows, Linux, and macOS, is now available. This update is a summary of the new functionality and improvements made to vcpkg over the past month. Last month was the first time we created a vcpkg release (Vcpkg: 2019.06 Update). In this post, we will cover ...

Visual Studio Code C/C++ Extension: July 2019 Update

The July 2019 update of the Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension is now available. This release includes many new features, including semantic colorization and improvements to the IntelliSense Configuration Settings Editor UI and IntelliSense cache. For a full list of this release’s improvements, check out our release notes on GitHub. ...

Simplify Your Code With Rocket Science: C++20’s Spaceship Operator

This post is part of a regular series of posts where the C++ product team here at Microsoft and other guests answer questions we have received from customers. The questions can be about anything C++ related: MSVC toolset, the standard language and library, the C++ standards committee, isocpp.org, CppCon, etc. Today's post is by Cameron ...

Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension: May 2019 Update

The May 2019 update of the Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension is now available to C/C++ extension Insiders. This release includes many new features, including Visual Studio Code Remote Development extensions with C/C++, an IntelliSense Configurations settings UI, and IntelliSense improvements.

CUDA 10.1 available now, with support for latest Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 versions

We are pleased to echo NVIDIA's announcement for CUDA 10.1 today, and are particularly excited about CUDA 10.1's continued compatibility for Visual Studio. CUDA 10.1 will work with RC, RTW and future updates of Visual Studio 2019. To stay committed to our promise for a Pain-free upgrade to any version of Visual Studio 2017 that also carries ...

Shared PCH usage sample in Visual Studio

This post was written by Olga Arkhipova and Xiang Fan Oftentimes, multiple projects in a Visual Studio solution use the same (or very similar) precompiled headers. As pch files are often big and building them takes a significant amount of time, this leads to the popular question: is it possible for several projects to use the same pch ...

CMake Support in Visual Studio – Configuration Templates

Visual Studio 2017 15.8 Preview 3 is now available and it includes several improvements to the CMake tools. In addition to a few fixes we have simplified the way you can configure your CMakeSettings.json file by adding configuration templates. If you are new to CMake in Visual Studio, check out how to get started. Configuration Templates for ...

Use Boost.Hana via vcpkg with the latest MSVC compiler

Overview As we continue to work towards improving the conformance of the MSVC compiler for the C++ community, we would like to enable more C++ libraries, and today we are bringing Boost.Hana to Visual C++.  Building on our recent C++ conformance progress, customers can now use Boost.Hana with the VS2017 15.7 update after we've applied some ...

Announcing: MSVC Conforms to the C++ Standard

Achieving conformance with the C++ Standards has been a long road for the Visual C++ team. If you've seen us at any conferences lately, you've probably seen the MSVC Conformance slide. (You can grab a copy of the slide or watch the 2017 CppCon talk here.) Finishing the features on this slide – which includes features from C++11, C++14, and C...

CMake Support in Visual Studio – Code Analysis and CMake 3.11

Visual Studio 2017 15.7 Preview 4 is now available and we have added a few more CMake features in addition to the Targets View and single file compilation added in Preview 3.  We keep the version of CMake that ships with Visual Studio as fresh as possible, so we have updated it to version 3.11.  We are also excited to announce that CMake ...