C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

Broken Warnings Theory

Перевод статьи на русском The "broken warnings theory" is a fictional theory of the norm-setting and signaling effect of coding practices and bug-checking techniques in 3rd party libraries on new bugs and design anti-patterns. The theory states that maintaining and monitoring warning levels to prevent small problems ...

Improving the debugging experience for std::function

[Update: This functionality is now enabled via the "Just My Code" feature in Visual Studio for any STL types or 3rd-party library types of your choosing. For more details, check out C++ Just My Code Stepping with Visual Studio blogpost] We received a Visual Studio User Voice suggestion to make "StepInto" go directly to user code, skipping ...

CMake Support in Visual Studio – Import Your CMake Cache

点这里看中文版 Configuring a CMake project to build in just the way you want can often be a time intensive process, so in Visual Studio 2017 15.5 preview we have made it easier than ever to import your existing CMake projects and cache configurations into the IDE.  You can now import an existing CMakeCache.txt file and Visual Studio ...

CMake support in Visual Studio – CMake 3.9, Linux targeting, feedback

点这里看中文版 Visual Studio 2017 15.4 Preview 2 is now available and includes enhancements to Visual Studio’s CMake tools.  The latest preview upgrades CMake to version 3.9, includes better support for independent CMakeLists, and supports targeting Linux directly. Please check out the preview and try out the latest CMake features...

CMake Support in Visual Studio: Customizing your Environment

In Visual Studio 15.3, there are new ways for you to apply advanced configuration to your CMake environments. Please download the latest and try out the latest CMake features.  If you are just getting started with CMake, follow the link to learn more about CMake support in Visual Studio.  We are looking forward to your feedback. What...

Diagnostic Improvements in Visual Studio 2017 15.3.0

This post as well as described diagnostics significantly benefited from the feedback by Mark, Xiang, Stephan, Marian, Gabriel, Ulzii, Steve and Andrew. Visual Studio 2017 15.3.0 release comes with a number of improvements to the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler's diagnostics. Most of these improvements are in response to the diagnostics ...

Using MinGW and Cygwin with Visual C++ and Open Folder

Building cross-platform C and C++ code is easier than ever with Visual Studio 15.3 Preview 4.  The latest preview improves support for alternative compilers and build environments such as MinGW and Cygwin.  MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows), in case you are not familiar with it, is a compiler in the GCC family designed to run natively on ...

CMake support in Visual Studio – what’s new in 2017 15.3 Preview

We are excited to announce the first preview release of Visual Studio 2017 15.3 update in conjunction with our Build 2017 conference!  This preview includes two new features of interest to developers utilizing CMake.  Support for the CMake Ninja generator and CMake CTest integration in the IDE. Please download the preview and try out the ...

Android and iOS development with C++ in Visual Studio

When it comes to building mobile applications, many developers write most or a part of the apps in C++. Why? Those who are building computationally intensive apps such as games and physics simulations choose C++ for its unparalleled performance, and the others choose C++ for its cross-platform nature and the ability to leverage existing C/C++ ...