C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

C++ at Microsoft Build 2017

The C++ team is at Build this week. Here are some of the highlights for C++ developers (and since there is a live stream and videos, you do not have to miss everything): We hope to see you there...

Using C++ Modules in Visual Studio 2017

点这里看中文版 This post was written by Gabriel Dos Reis, Andrew Pardoe, and Billy O’Neal  What Is New? The Visual C++ Team is elated to announce that with Visual Studio 2017, it has substantially improved the quality of the C++ Modules TS implementation in Visual Studio, in addition to introducing ability to consume the C++ ...

Why am I getting these _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS messages?

Recently, a C++ developer asked why they were getting diagnostic messages for this code: [code lang="cpp"] void example(char const * const src, char * const dest) { std::copy(src, src + 42, dest); } If you compile this file in debug mode, you'll get a message like the following:xutility(2350,1): warning C4996: 'std::copy::...

Vcpkg: introducing export command

Vcpkg helps you acquire and build open source libraries on Windows. Since September 2016, the community added more than 200 libraries in the vcpkg catalog and has been contributing actively to the code itself. Vcpkg now supports Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 and can target dynamic or static libraries and platforms like x64, x86 or ...

Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension April 2017 Update

Earlier today we shipped the April 2017 update to the C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code. We are excited to introduce the following new features in this update: The original blog post has been updated with these changes. If you have this extension installed already, Visual Studio Code sends a notification for the update and ...

Getting Started with Visual Studio for C and C++ Development

Are you new to Visual Studio and working with C++? Then you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a student writing one of your first programs or a seasoned C++ developer with years of experience, you'll find Visual Studio to be a powerful environment for C++ development. Visual Studio is an IDE packed with features, from code ...

C++ Code Editing and Navigation in Visual Studio

Visual Studio comes packed with a set of productivity tools to make it easy for C++ developers to read, edit, and navigate through their code. In this blog post we will dive into these features and go over what they do. This post is part of a series aimed at new users to Visual Studio. This blog post goes over the following concepts...

C++ Unit Testing in Visual Studio

Testing is an increasingly important part of a software development workflow. In many cases, it is insufficient to test a program simply by running it and trying it out – as the scope of the project gets more involved, it becomes increasingly necessary to be able to test individual components of the code on a structured basis. If you’re a ...

Android and iOS development with C++ in Visual Studio

When it comes to building mobile applications, many developers write most or a part of the apps in C++. Why? Those who are building computationally intensive apps such as games and physics simulations choose C++ for its unparalleled performance, and the others choose C++ for its cross-platform nature and the ability to leverage existing C/C++ ...

CMake support in Visual Studio – what’s new in 2017 15.2 update

Today’s preview release of Visual Studio 2017 15.2 update comes with several improvements and new features in CMake Tools for Visual Studio – recently updated to cover 15.2.  We have upgraded the included version of CMake to 3.7.2 and enhanced the discoverability of features in the CMake menu.  This update also includes bugfixes for ...