C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

Off to California

The Visual C++ team is hosting a summit with ISVs in the San Jose / Bay Area next week. We have two full days packed with sessions centered on native code. Attendees will learn how Visual C++ 2008 provides a powerful and flexible development environment for creating Microsoft Windows–based applications. In addition, now that we have ...

Rebuilding Intellisense

Hi, my name is Boris Jabes. I've been working on the C++ team for over 4 years now (you may have come across my blog, which has gone stale...). Over the past couple of years, the bulk of my time has been spent on re-designing our IDE infrastructure so that we may provide rich functionality for massive code bases. Our goal is to enable ...

STL Breaking Changes in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 is now available for download.  I've recently blogged about how Visual C++ in VS 2010 Beta 1, which I refer to as VC10 Beta 1, contains compiler support for five C++0x core language features: lambdas, auto, static_assert, rvalue references, and decltype.  It also contains a substantially rewritten ...


Hello, my name is Xiang Fan and I am a developer on the C++ Shanghai team. Today I’d like to talk about two linker options related to security: /DYNAMICBASE and /NXCOMPAT.   These two options are introduced in VS2005, and target to improve the overall security of native applications.   You can set these two options explicitly in VS...

Using the Windows 7 RC SDK in Visual C++ 2010 Beta 1

Though the Windows 7 RC SDK was released about 2 weeks before Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1, it was not possible to incorporate that release into VS 2010 Beta 1. As a result, the Windows SDK components that ship as part of Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 are the Windows 7 Beta SDK versions. This post will describe how you can use the Native ...

VC++ IDE / Design Time Stress Testing

Hi, my name is Jianhua Li, and I am a VC++ IDE QA. Today I am going to talk about VC++ IDE / Design Time stress testing. What is stress testing? Design Time Stress (DTS) is part of a broader set of reliability quality criteria focused on measuring an application's robustness, availability and reliability under stressful conditions.  It's ...

decltype: C++0x Features in VC10, Part 3

Part 1 of this series covered lambdas, auto, and static_assert. Part 2 of this series covered rvalue references, which enable move semantics and perfect forwarding. Today, I'm going to talk about decltype, which allows perfect forwarding functions to have arbitrary return types.  It's of interest to people who are writing highly...

Tech-Ed North America 2009

Most of you must be aware of the upcoming Microsoft® Tech·Ed North America 2009 in Los Angeles.  This event provides hands-on learning, deep product exploration and opportunities to connect with industry and Microsoft experts one-to-one.  Anyone attending and interested in C++ development will find the following Tech.Ed ...

VC MSBuild Extensibility Example

Hello, my name is Felix Huang and I am a developer on the Visual C++ team.  Over the last year, I worked on making the build system in Visual Studio 2010 more flexible with MSBuild system as the foundation.  For those who felt the need to use batch scripts to power your builds, I hope that this new system would provide you with that...