Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Visual Studio Update 1 RC

Today we released Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 RC, which builds on the Update 1 CTP we released three weeks ago. In addition to the features introduced in the CTP as described here, the Release Candidate includes the following: (image) (image)   For a complete list of features in Update 1 RC and ...

Apache Cordova Customer Spotlight: WeatherPerfect

(image) In this blog we typically share updates and improvements to Visual Studio itself. We also want to highlight examples of how developers use these tools to build compelling mobile apps. Meet Sverre Nøkleby, a developer from Norway who’s been building the very cool WeatherPerfect app using Apache Cordova. I interviewed him ...

Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 CTP

Today we released Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 CTP. Included, you’ll find: (image) (image) (image) For a complete description of the improvements, bug fixes, and known issues in this release, see Description of Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 CTP. As always, we welcome your feedback. Share your feedback, ...

Introducing U-SQL – A Language that makes Big Data Processing Easy

Microsoft announced the new Azure Data Lake services for analytics in the cloud that includes a hyper-scale repository, a new analytics service built on YARN that allows data developers and data scientists to analyze all data, and HDInsight, a fully managed Hadoop, Spark, Storm and HBase service. Azure Data Lake Analytics includes U-SQL, a ...

Introduction to Debugging

Whenever those of us in Visual Studio give talks or write blog posts about debugging, we typically focus on tips and tricks and new features that take for granted you already know the basics of debugging. The problem with this is like most things in life debugging is a skill you have to learn before you can take advantage of tips and tricks. ...

Top News from July 2015

Hello everyone! Every month we share some top stories from the previous month, and here’s our round-up for July. Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6 Available for Download. Within the Visual Studio team, we’re clearly delighted with the release of Visual Studio 2015 as Soma announces on his blog! This release fulfills the promises we ...

Why write Python in Visual Studio?

Recently, Visual Studio 2015 was released with support for Python. Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS) are available to help throughout Visual Studio in all the places you’d expect, from editing and IntelliSense, to debugging, profiling, and publishing to Azure. You can find all the details and some video walkthroughs, documentation, ...

Visual Studio 2015 Diagnostics Investments

When we wrapped up the last release of Visual Studio, I wrote a blog post titled: Visual Studio 2013 Diagnostics Investments, which gathered all the links to our blog posts and other content into a single place. It seems fitting to do the same now that VS2015 has RTM’d, and the same intro I wrote last time applies, so I won’t ...