October 29th, 2015

Visual Studio Update 1 RC

Today we released Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 RC, which builds on the Update 1 CTP we released three weeks ago. In addition to the features introduced in the CTP as described here, the Release Candidate includes the following:

  • Go To Implementation. The feature many of you have been waiting for: just right-click on an interface or abstract method and select this command to navigate to the implementation.


  • New Quick Action. Ctrl + . now converts get methods to properties.
  • Windows Presentation Foundation. We’ve improved performance and added DirectX extensions (via NuGet), spell checking improvements, and additional support for per-user custom dictionaries. You can find more details on the blog post, WPF in .NET 4.6.1.
  • CPU Profiling while Debugging. This capability enables a per-function breakdown of CPU usage between breakpoints and in steps while using the debugger. For details, see the post Profiling your CPU in the Debugger.
  • C/C++ Debugging Improvements. The debugger now tells you which variable caused an access violation during C/C++ debugging. Read the blog post Improvement to Debugging C++ Access Violations in VS2015 Update 1 for more details.
  • Tools for Universal Windows Apps v1.2. We have made updates for.NET Native, the XAML designer, the manifest designer, Windows Store packaging, and the debugger. You can use these tools today to build apps and submit them to the Windows Store.
  • Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova. We added support for Cordova 5.3.1 and iOS 9. We’ve also laid the groundwork for Android 6 “Marshmallow,” and added a new plugin for Azure Active Directory authentication.
  • TypeScript. The latest updates include enhancements to the type system, native support for React’s JSX, completion of ECMAScript 6 support with generators and class expressions, and support for ECMAScript 7 proposals like the exponentiation operator and async functions.
  • Node.js Tools for Visual Studio. We added support for Node.js 4.x, support for npm 3.x, faster and clutter-free IntelliSense, faster project load times, improved stability during debugging, and code snippet support. (These tools are available a separate download: see Node.js Tools for Visual Studio.)


  • Improved feedback options. In addition to a simpler feedback icon in the IDE that looks good in the dark theme, we’ve redesigned the menu options to clearly separate reporting a problem and sending feedback:

    Feedback menu in Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 
    For suggestions, we take you directly to UserVoice; when reporting a problem, we have a new form that specifically asks for the information we need to investigate the issue and contact you for more information if necessary:



For a complete list of features in Update 1 RC and information on bug fixes and known issues, see the Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 RC Release Notes.

Important note: the Visual Studio Emulator for Emulator and Microsoft Test Manager will not be able to acquire online licenses when used with Visual Studio Update 1 RC installed. Therefore, we recommended that you avoid installing Update 1 RC on a computer where either of those products is needed.


As always, we welcome your feedback. Share your feedback, suggestions, thoughts, and ideas on UserVoice , through the in-product feedback UI, or file a bug through the Visual Studio Connect site.


John Montgomery

John Montgomery is the Director of Program Management for Visual Studio, responsible for product design and customer success for all of Visual Studio, C++, C#, VB, JavaScript, and .NET. John has been at Microsoft for 17 years, working in developer technologies the whole time. Reach him on Twitter @JohnMont


Visual Studio has evolved from a simple tool bundle into an intelligent, all-in-one development environment. With support for coding in any language on any device, integrated AI to streamline workflows, and seamless cloud scalability, it empowers developers to innovate, deliver faster, and build the future.


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