Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

PyCon 2015: April 8-16

(image) Many Visual Studio blog readers probably don’t know that Visual Studio has great support for Python or that Azure Machine Learning lets you write in Python, and I’m betting even fewer of you know that our Python Tools team is heading to PyCon Montreal. We’ll be there to hang out with other people who love Python as ...

Top News from March 2015

It’s a pattern only if you see it happen at least twice, so here is our second post in the monthly top news series. This month again we looked at various content across the developer sphere and bring you what we think are some of the top stories. We hope you find this list useful and interesting; and of course we welcome your feedback...

Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio

[UPDATE] We have updated this post. Look for an [UPDATE] tag to find the updates.  Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio (NTVS) is now available for download! NTVS is a free, open source extension for Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013 that turns Visual Studio into a Node.js IDE. NTVS 1.0 supports the free Visual Studio Community ...

Tools for Apache Cordova Update: Windows Phone 8.1 Debugging Support

For those of you running Visual Studio 2013, yesterday we released Tools for Apache Cordova CTP 3.1. This release contains a large number of performance and reliability improvements (many of which you’ve reported) along with support for Windows Phone 8.1 debugging. Note: If you use Visual Studio 2015 and have CTP6 installed, you already...

Top News from February 2015

The Visual Studio team takes great effort to ensure that our developer community is engaged and informed through various social networks, including channels on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc. and as part of the process we gain insights into what you enjoy through your retweets, Facebook likes and shares, and other public opinions of our ...

Connect(“Live”); – Debugging and Cloud Diagnostics Visual Studio Team Q&A

(image) One of the best parts of my job as a Product Manager in the Visual Studio team is working on events for you, our community. Last year in November I worked on one such event called Connect(); where we announced a ton of releases such as Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 2015 preview, Visual Studio Community 2013, .NET open source and much ...