C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

Updates to Expression SFINAE in VS 2017 RC

Throughout the VS 2015 cycle we've been focusing on the quality of our expression SFINAE implementation. Because expression SFINAE issues can be subtle and complex we've been using popular libraries such as Boost and Microsoft's fork of Range-v3 to validate our implementation and find remaining bugs. As we shift the compiler team's focus to ...

Give Visual C++ a Switch to Standard Conformance

This post was written by Gabriel Dos Reis, Phil Christensen, and Andrew Pardoe The Visual C++ Team is excited to announce that the compiler in Visual Studio 2017 RC will feature a mode much closer to ISO C++ standards conformance than any time in its history. This represents a major milestone in our journey to full ISO C++ conformance.  The ...

Visual C++ docs: the future is… soon!

We on the Visual C++ documentation team are pleased to announce some changes to the API reference content in the following Visual C++ libraries: STL, MFC, ATL, AMP, and ConcRT. Since the beginning of MSDN online, the Visual C++ libraries have documented each class member, free function, macro, enum, and property on a separate web page. While ...

Vcpkg updates: Static linking is now available

One month ago, we announced the availability of Vcpkg a command line tool to easily acquire and build open source C++ lib and consume it in Visual Studio 2015. The initial release provided only dynamic link libraries, but we heard your feedback, and we are pleased to announce static linking support with Vcpkg. To generate static libraries, ...

CppRestSDK 2.9.0 is available on GitHub

We are delighted to announce a new version of CppRestSDK (Casablanca) 2.9.0, this new version available on GitHub introduces new features and fixes issues reported on the 2.8.0 version. The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project ...

C++/WinRT Available on GitHub

C++/WinRT is now available on GitHub. This is the future of the Modern C++ project and the first public preview coming officially from Microsoft. https://github.com/microsoft/cppwinrt C++/WinRT is a standard C++ language projection for the Windows Runtime implemented solely in header files. It allows you to both author and consume Windows ...

Faster C++ solution load with VS 2017

The Visual C++ product has had projects ever since its inception.  Visual C++ had its own IDE up through Visual Studio 6.  Starting in Visual Studio .NET, C++ moved to a new IDE shared by Visual Basic, C#, C++, and other tools.  This new IDE used COM everywhere and items in the Solution Explorer were based on IVsHierarchy.  Much of the ...

Visual Studio “15” Preview 5 Now Available

Visual Studio "15" Preview 5 is now available. Read the official announcement on the Visual Studio blog. Highlights for C++ developers include: For the complete list of everything in this release, along with some known issues, look at the Visual Studio “15” Preview 5 Release Notes page. The Preview 5 FAQ...