Showing results for 2021 - C++ Team Blog

Dec 14, 2021

Visual Studio Code C++ December 2021 Update: clang-tidy

Julia Reid
Julia Reid

The latest insiders release of the C++ extension is here, bringing clang-tidy support to VS Code! Clang-tidy is a clang-based C++ linter tool that detects common errors in your code, like style violations and bugs that can be deduced via static analysis. Clang-tidy integration was one of our top asks on GitHub, so we’re excited to announce that it’...

Dec 14, 2021

The /fp:contract flag and changes to FP modes in VS2022

Gautham Beeraka (Intel Americas Inc)
Gautham Beeraka (Intel Americas Inc)

The /fp:contract flag and changes to FP modes in VS2022 In this blog we will cover a new feature we have added to the MSVC version 17.0 compiler in VS2022 that impacts the generation of Floating-Point contractions such as Fused Multiply Add (FMA) instructions. We will cover how FMA contractions are supported in pre-VS2022 MSVC compiler releases, a...

Dec 13, 2021

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 and Floating-point to Integer Conversions

John Morgan (Intel Corporation)
John Morgan (Intel Corporation)

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 and Floating-point to Integer Conversions Quick Summary: See also the MSDN documentation on /fpcvt here. Introduction As some of you may be aware, Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 changed some floating-point to integer conversions for Intel Architecture (IA). When targeting 32-bit...

Dec 6, 2021

Embedded Software Development in Visual Studio

Marc Goodner
Marc Goodner

In this post we will walk you through Visual Studio installation of the embedded workload, how to acquire embedded tool dependencies with vcpkg, then demonstrate edit, build, deploy, and debugging directly in Visual Studio with new peripheral register and RTOS object views. We will demonstrate all of this with an Azure RTOS ThreadX project.

embeddedNew FeatureIoT
Dec 6, 2021

Bootstrap your dev environment with vcpkg artifacts

Marc Goodner
Marc Goodner

Updated May 11, 2022: Using your own registry section revised to reflect metadata format changes. We are happy to announce a new experience for acquiring artifacts using vcpkg. We define an artifact as a set of packages required for a working development environment. Examples of relevant packages include compilers, linkers, debuggers, build syst...

VcpkgNew Feature
Dec 6, 2021

Makefile Tools December 2021 Update: Problem Matchers and Compilation Database Generation

Julia Reid
Julia Reid

The December 2021 update of the Makefile Tools extension for Visual Studio Code is here, bringing you support for problem matchers (to easily view errors and warnings in the editor), the ability to generate a compile_commands.json file for your project, and a bunch of other enhancements and bug fixes! To find out more about all the enhancements, ch...

Nov 19, 2021

C++ build throughput investigation and tune up


Building C++ code is a complex process, launching many build tools in parallel and often running for a long time. It is always desirable to make it faster, but also a challenge to understand what the most effective way would be to achieve this. We’d like to share some techniques we use to get a "bigger" picture of the build, as well as tools tha...

Nov 18, 2021

What’s new for C++ cross-platform developers in Visual Studio 2022

Erika Sweet
Erika Sweet

Visual Studio 2022 is available now! Check out the video below to learn what’s new for C++ developers who are building for more than just Windows, or who are developing with an eye to open source. This video covers:  Contact us Have questions or comments about Visual Studio 2022? Want to share feedback with our tea...

Oct 25, 2021

18x Faster IntelliSense for Unreal Engine Projects in Visual Studio 2022

David Li
David Li

We joined forces with Epic Games to bring faster semantic highlighting and IntelliSense ready to Visual Studio 2022 for Unreal Engine developers. In this blog post, we will detail how we worked with the Unreal Engine team to significantly speed up IntelliSense ready by 18x.

C++Game Development