Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Design your Web Forms apps with Web Live Preview in Visual Studio 2022

In this post we have introduced, and demonstrated, the new Web Forms Designer and Web Live Preview that is built into Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2. We are very excited to bring a new designer for Web Forms. We would love for you to try out this new designer experience and let us know how it’s working for you with your own projects and solution

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 is out!

We're excited to announce the second preview release of Visual Studio 2022! Preview 1 was the first-ever 64-bit Visual Studio, delivering improved scalability. Starting with Preview 2, we’re focusing on delivering new capabilities on the themes of personal and team productivity, modern development, and constant innovation. In this blog we’...

Gain +10 Debugging for Unity with Visual Studio

If you’re like me, you’ve probably searched through Debug.Log messages in the Unity console to find or fix a bug. Have you also asked if there was a better way? Follow along with our new video series and by the end we think you’ll be surprised at how a few simple debugging tools in Visual Studio can transform your workflow with Unity.

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 now available!

We're excited to announce that the first preview release of Visual Studio 2022 is ready to install! This is the first release of a 64-bit Visual Studio and we’d love for you to download it, try it out, and join us in shaping the next major release of Visual Studio with your feedback.