Posts by this author

Nov 16, 2023

The Visual Studio UI Refresh Preview is here!

Back in May, we showed a first look into the UI Refresh that we've been working on for Visual Studio. We’ve been working on a refresh for the Visual Studio UI to improve productivity, create a more inclusive environment, and keep up with evolving global accessibility requirements. The feedback we've collected from that first post and the developer ...

Visual StudioVisual Studio 2022UI Refresh
May 10, 2023

Visual Studio UI Refresh

Microsoft Fluent design language provides a unified framework to create and deliver more productive, consistent, and accessible applications. The Fluent design principles have been applied across familiar products like Microsoft 365 and we’ve been using those principles in the IDE to make targeted improvements to real problems. We’re excited to...

AnnouncementVisual Studio 2022Accessibility
Mar 15, 2023

Improving the Spell Checker

Welcome to our latest blog post about the spell checker feature in Visual Studio 17.6 preview 2! We're excited to share with you the latest improvements we've made to this feature, which was first introduced in the Visual Studio 17.5 preview releases for C#, C++, and markdown files. We've received an overwhelming amount of valuable feedback from de...

Visual Studio 2022ProductivityTips and Tricks
Mar 8, 2023

Developing Accessible Apps with Visual Studio

When your application has an accessibility issue, it means that some users will find it harder or impossible to use your application. This means that a percentage of your users are having a bad experience or simply can’t use your product. The implications are far reaching, because many countries have laws governing accessibility in applications for...

XAMLVisual Studio 2022Accessibility
Jan 19, 2023

Visual Studio Spell Checker Preview Now Available

We know developers like you take pride in your code! Many of the features in Visual Studio are designed to help you write the code you want. Visual Studio helps you ensure your code compiles and can even help with code styling. Now it can even make sure your spelling is accurate. Visual Studio 17.5 preview 3 introduces the first preview of the Spel...

Visual StudioC#Visual Studio 2022
Dec 21, 2022

Write markdown without leaving Visual Studio

Markdown is a great solution when you want formatted code but don’t want to compromise easy readability. GitHub uses it for readme files, and we use it as our standard for Visual Studio documentation. If you’ve contributed to any open-source repo the odds are high that you’ve authored or edited at least one .md file in that repo somewhere. We’ve...

Visual StudioVisual Studio 2022Productivity
Dec 6, 2022

What’s new in Visual Studio productivity

We often hear feedback from users like you that request smaller quality-of-life improvements in Visual Studio. While we can’t address every piece of feedback right away, we appreciate the time you spend providing it and hope you continue to share your thoughts on how to make Visual Studio even better. In today’s blog post, we’d like to share a hand...

Visual Studio 2022ProductivityEditor
Jun 22, 2022

Listen Up, Visual Studio has a new feature you need to hear about!

Our accessibility journey in Visual Studio has taught us that developers love to customize their experiences to help them be productive. Some developers have been telling us that they want to use sound to help them understand what’s happening in their code. A short, simple sound when the caret arrives on a line with an error can quickly help some d...

Mar 21, 2022

Suffer from Ctrl+S fatigue? We have a feature for you

The idea of the “Integrated Development Experience” is a tool that brings all the systems a developer needs to develop their application into a single place. Coding, debugging, publishing, profiling… these are all tools that Visual Studio brings to our developers.

Jun 29, 2021

Let’s make Visual Studio even more accessible together.

Visual Studio wants to be the most accessible IDE available today. We've made huge strides, but we want to do even more. In this post, we'll talk about some of the new innovations we're exploring and we'd love your feedback. We want to make sure we're making the features that folks will love and we'd love to hear from you.

Visual StudioAccessibilityA11y