Posts by this author

Aug 20, 2024

New debugging and diagnostic features

Debugging and diagnostics are vital skills for any developer, but they can also be difficult and time-consuming to get proficient . That's why we've added some fantastic new features and enhancements to Visual Studio 2022 v17.11 that will help you find and resolve bugs faster and easier than ever before. Here are some of the highlights. Download ...

Debugging and DiagnosticsVisual Studio 2022Debugging
Feb 12, 2024

A Look Back: Visual Studio’s Profiling Tool Advancements in 2023

In retrospect, the past year our team was on a mission to enhance Profiling tools, making them more efficient and user-friendly. We improved instrumentation and our .NET counter tool, broadened platform support, seamlessly integrated unit test profiling, and boosted overall performance. Your valuable feedback via Developer Community was crucial in ...

Visual Studio 2022Developer ProductivityProfiling
Jan 31, 2024

In the Debugger’s Spotlight: A Year in Review

Reflecting on the past year's journey, our team was on a mission to enhance debugging tools, ensuring they became more efficient and user-friendly. We dedicated our efforts to boosting inner-loop productivity, making external source debugging more seamless, improving overall performance, and optimizing memory analysis. And, of course, we were ...

Debugging and DiagnosticsVisual Studio 2022Developer Productivity
Sep 6, 2023

Elevating Debugging with Auto-decompilation and External Sources

Visual Studio has been supporting external sources debugging and decompilation for some time now. However, with the release of Visual Studio 17.7, the debugger took a significant leap forward by introducing Auto-decompilation for .NET libraries making the external code debugging in Visual Studio much more streamlined and effortless. Its integrated ...

Debugging and DiagnosticsVisual Studio 2022Developer Productivity
Jul 25, 2023

Rock Your Debugging Game: Parallel Stack Window Tips You Need to Know!

In Visual Studio 2022 17.6 and 17.7 we added a ton of new features in Parallel Stack Window that can take your multithreaded debugging to the next level. But what can the Parallel Stack Window do for you? The answer is simple - it offers valuable insights into how your code functions in multithreaded or parallel or async environments. ...

Debugging and DiagnosticsVisual Studio 2022Developer Productivity
Mar 21, 2023

Streamlining your Debugging process with Breakpoint Groups

Have you ever had a situation when you are debugging a complex scenario with a huge list of breakpoints, and you find yourself scrolling and tapping in the breakpoints windows to disable/enable them individually and repetitively? Then the new Breakpoint Groups feature in Visual Studio may be the answer for you. This feature will allow you to ...

Debugging and DiagnosticsVisual Studio 2022Developer Productivity
Sep 15, 2022

DataTable Visualizer Improvements

Your favorite DataTable visualizer has now got a makeover with all new improvements coming in 17.4 Preview 2. The DataTable visualizers will now support sorting, filtering, exporting, and theming like IEnumerable visualizer.   The DataTable Visualizer allows you to view the contents of a DataTable, DataSet, DataView, or ...

Debugging and DiagnosticsVisual Studio 2022Productivity
Jul 14, 2022

IEnumerable Debugger Visualizer Improvements

In Visual Studio 17.3 Preview 3, we added a few highly requested improvements in IEnumerable visualizer like Filtering, Theming, and CSV export to enhance the visualizer experience further. The .NET IEnumerable debugger visualizer is one of our most loved debugging features in recent times. This was a highly requested feature by developers like ...

Debugging and DiagnosticsVisual Studio 2022Productivity
Apr 21, 2022

View .NET collections with the new IEnumerable Debugger Visualizer

While debugging .NET code, inspecting a large and complex collection object can be tedious and difficult. Hence, starting from Visual Studio 17.2. Preview 2, we are introducing a new Visualizer, which will help you view IEnumerable objects such as Arrays, List, etc. in a customized tabular view.  The IEnumerable visualizer will display ...

Debugging and DiagnosticsVisual Studio 2022Developer Productivity
Sep 7, 2021

New Improved Attach to Process Dialog Experience

With Visual Studio 2022, we promise to bring new tooling to improve the inner loop productivity and debugging experience. We have added command-line details, app pool details, parent/child process tree view, and the Select running window from the desktop option in the attach to process dialog.

Debugging and DiagnosticsVisual Studio 2022vs2022
