March 31st, 2009

Interested in using web services in your native C/C++ code?

If you are planning to use web services in your native C/C++, here is how you can learn how you can do that.

1)      On 04/01/2009, Nikola Dudar will be hosting a web cast on Windows Web Services API as part of   Microsoft Virtual TechDays for Developers. Nikola is going to introduce Windows Web Services API and demonstrate how using WWSAPI you can build web services and clients to them. You can register for the session here.

2)      You can watch video recordings from talks on building web services in native C/C++ code:

a.       Introduction and tutorial on building native C/C++ clients  to web services using Windows Web Services API during PDC 2008.

b.      Open discussion with answers to frequent questions about Windows Web Services API and how they help with building web services in native code on the Channel 9.

c.       Outline of advantages of using native C/C++ code to build web services and description of key steps involved from TechEd 2009.

3)      Follow links to all online resource available for building web services and clients to web services in C and C++ code you may find on this page.

4)      Follow Web Services in Native C++ code series of posts on Nikola’s blog and Hao’s blog.

You have any questions or need help with this task, please browse to the forum on Windows Web Services API. You can also send suggestions and file bugs using the Connect site.



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