Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Revamped Project Properties UI

In Visual Studio 2022 we are improving your experiences around navigating and modifying your project's properties. The world of .NET is in a very different place than it was a few years ago. With a growing diverse user-base and increasingly cross-platform projects, we decided that the Visual Studio project properties were due for a much-needed...

Debugging External Sources with Visual Studio

Have you ever needed to debug and step into a code of dependent NuGet or .NET libraries that do not build as part of your solution? Today, debugging through them is not so easy as debugging your projects that are part of your solution. Starting with Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3, we are adding a new "External Sources" node in the Solution Explo

The New JavaScript/TypeScript Experience in Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3

Today we are excited to announce a new experience for JavaScript and TypeScript developers in Visual Studio. We are bringing new tooling to enhance the experience for SPA applications and front-end development. What’s New? With Visual Studio 2022, we really wanted to make our JavaScript & TypeScript experience shine. We spoke with ...

Personalize Your Visual Studio 2022

One of Visual Studio’s core goals is to increase your individual and team productivity. And, one of our key focus areas is to make Visual Studio more personalized and flexible, so that you can make the IDE your own. Below, we'll summarize some of the personalization features we’ve shipped in our preview channel or plan to ship soon...

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 now available!

We are excited to announce the third preview release of Visual Studio 2022! With Preview 3 there are more new capabilities on the themes of personal and team productivity, modern development, and constant innovation. In this blog we’re going to highlight a few of the new capabilities of Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3. We’d love for you to ...

Visual Studio 2019 v16.11 is Available Now!

We are excited to announce the release of Visual Studio 2019 v16.11 GA. This release improves upon the Git tooling experience in Visual Studio, enables Hot Reload for .NET applications, adds convenient links to the help menu, and upgrades LLVM tools to LLVM 12. For full details, see the Visual Studio 2019 release notes. Servicing ...