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Mar 10, 2011

Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 General Availability

Diego Dagum - MSFT
Diego Dagum - MSFT

If you guys follow Jason Zander’s (Visual Studio corporate Vice President) blog, you learned two days ago that the Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 whose Beta had been released last December achieved final release stage. Today is generally available (last Tuesday was only for MSDN subscribers). You can get it from here. Let’s summarize...

Jan 29, 2011

The Visual C++ Weekly Vol. 1 Issue 5 (Jan 29, 2011)

Diego Dagum - MSFT
Diego Dagum - MSFT

This week comes with an article to help you set your application for parallelization; C++ MVP Dan Rollins researches on various ways to implement properties in C++; Issam Iqbal, C++ MVP, gives another twist to the TO CLI or NOT TO CLI debate when creating unit tests for our unmanaged code (voting for “NOT TO CLI”). There are also a coup...

Jan 5, 2011

Grr… My VC++ Project Is Building Slower in VS2010. What Do I Do Now? (A Step by Step Guide)

Diego Dagum - MSFT
Diego Dagum - MSFT

Hi, my name is Renin John and I work as a Software Development Engineer in Test with the VC++ Project and Build Team. I was involved in testing the Build performance of the VS 2010 IDE and I wanted to give you all an idea about what to expect, and some basic steps you could take if you end up in a situation where your project builds slower in V...

Aug 1, 2007

"How Do I" Videos

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

A number of “How Do I” videos for native development are now available on MSDN.  These videos are designed to help developers new to Visual C++ 2005 become more productive using the environment.  You can check out this training at The Visual C++ Development Team

May 26, 2006

Visual C++ Community Content

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Join our slow chat on Visual C++   During the week of June 19th, the Visual C++ team will be hosting a slow chat titled Visual C++: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow on CodeGuru (  A slow chat takes place in a discussion forum over a period of days rather than occurring in real time as in a standard chat.  In addition, the slow...
