Showing results for August 2006 - C++ Team Blog

Aug 24, 2006

A Problem of Scale

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hello, my name is Ben Anderson and I’m a Software Design Engineer in Test for the Visual C++ libraries team which is currently responsible for testing ATL, MFC, C Runtime, ATL Server, OpenMP and several other technologies.  As I am currently assigned to QA on some of our new MFC Vista features, I’d like to talk to you today about o...

Aug 18, 2006

Visual Studio.NET 2003 Service Pack 1 Released

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

The Visual C++ Release team is pleased to announce the release of Visual Studio .NET 2003 Service Pack 1.  On August 15, 2006, this release became available to the public and can be downloaded or obtained on CD.  Information on how to obtain the Service Pack is listed below.  All of us on the Visual C++ team are excited about getting...

Aug 16, 2006

Thoughts on the Visual C++ Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hello, my name is Jason Lucas and I’m a senior software development engineer working on the Visual C++ front-end team.  I noticed there were some questions (ok, maybe one question) about getting access to our compiler’s AST and, as this is an area I’m actually working on, I thought I’d talk a little about it.For those o...

Aug 15, 2006

Introducing Damien Watkins

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hello My name is Damien Watkins and I am one of the newest members of the Visual C++ team, having been here for just one month. To understand how I fit into the team here, I’m a program manager reporting to Steve Teixeira and will be involved in coordinating activities between our group and the academic community. I am not new to Microso...

Aug 4, 2006

C++ Debugger Tips

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hi, my name is Sergey Grankin and I'm a developer on the VC++ IDE Team.  I mostly work on the C++ debugger expression evaluators -- the code responsible for the magic behind the debugger watch windows.  Visual Studio's (native) C++ debugger has many useful features that can make your debugging much more pleasant, if you kno...

Aug 2, 2006

Libraries work in Orcas

Visual CPP Team
Visual CPP Team

Hi! My name is Ale Contenti. I'm a developer on the Visual C++ Libraries Team. I work on the CRT (C Run Time, i.e. strcpy() and printf(), like I always explain to my friends), SCL (Standard C++ Library, i.e. STL and streams), ATL and MFC. I also happen to work for Martyn, which blogged here a few weeks ago.   So, if you read Martyn's post, yo...
