Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview: Find & Replace

In Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview we’ve streamlined and modernized our vast array of Find experiences.  Find and Replace is now a lightweight control within documents, delivering incremental search results as you type.  The Find and Replace in Files dialog has been simplified while at the same time gaining additional functionality such...

Visual Studio BUILD sessions and Tips & Tricks Cheat Sheet

As I settle back into my desk after an exciting week at BUILD, I wanted to send a reminder that all of the sessions should be available for streaming on  Since this is a Visual Studio blog, here are links to the main VS sessions at BUILD: For the Tips & Tricks talk, Phil ...

Addressing Visual Studio performance

Visual Studio’s performance continues to be a hot topic for a lot of customers. We hear you and are investing to improve the performance of the product in those areas that are important to you. There are two key parts to our approach: Collecting Customer Feedback We are working to make your feedback less ad hoc and give you a ...

Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview Announced

Today in his keynote at BUILD, Jason Zander announced the availability of the .NET Framework 4.5 Developer Preview, Microsoft® Visual Studio® 11 Developer Preview and Microsoft® Team Server Preview.  If you are an MSDN subscriber, you can download the preview immediately via this link. For everyone else, Visual Studio 11 and Team ...

How we use your PerfWatson data to identify Unresponsive areas

At the end of April, we released a telemetry system to monitor and report the performance issues that our customers face during their everyday use of the product. To start off, I would like to thank everyone who installed Visual Studio PerfWatson! These reports have provided valuable insight into where you are encountering issues, and have ...

High school students at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment build a WP application from scratch in a week

By Alice LeeDeveloping a full-fledged Windows Phone app in one week – that’s pretty ambitious, right?Last week, at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE)’s weekly Summer Cyber Camp, a team of talented high and middle school students set out to do just that. I followed them for one week, documenting the process of ...

Feedback Opportunity: Command Complexity in Visual Studio

By Sam Zaiss Update: We're happy to set anyone up with the new reduced toolbar set, whether you are in the US or not. Unfortunately the rule about the Microsoft gratuity is strict, but if you're willing, we'd still love to get your feedback. Please send mail to if you're interested. Update 2: Thanks ...

TechEd 2011: Visual Studio vNext Sneak Preview

In case you missed it, last week at TechEd 2011 in Atlanta, GA, I gave conference attendees a first look at some of the new IDE features and performance improvements we’re working on for the next version of Visual Studio.  Channel9 has posted the session (along with all the other TechEd sessions) so everyone else can now watch the ...

New Channel 9 Series: Visual Studio Toolbox

The debut episode of the Visual Studio Toolbox, a new Channel 9 series focused on Visual Studio tips and tricks, is now live!  In the first episode, Robert Green walks through the features of the Solution Navigator tool window included in the Productivity Power Tools, showing you how to efficiently navigate your code.  Check it out ...