Posts by this author

Jul 29, 2021

Speed up your .NET and C++ development with Hot Reload in Visual Studio 2022

With the recent release of Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 we’d like to use this blog post to dive deeper into the brand-new Hot Reload experience which works for both managed .NET and newly supported native C++ apps. With Hot Reload our goal is to save you as many app restarts between edits as possible, making you more productive by reducing the t...

May 20, 2020

Improvements to XAML tooling in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7 Preview 1

In this blog post we'd like to catch you up on what's new in Visual Studio tooling for XAML developers building WPF, UWP and Xamarin.Forms applications. In this post we'll cover new features shipped in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5, 16.6 and the most recent release 16.7 Preview 1.

XAMLWPFUniversal Windows Platform
Mar 7, 2019

Windows Desktop Developer Twitch Workshop (March 14, 2019)

Today we’d like to announce an upcoming free live streaming workshop on March 14th, 2019 focused on Windows Desktop development for .NET applications using frameworks such as WPF, WinForms and UWP.

WPFUniversal Windows PlatformWinForms
Nov 14, 2016

Connect(); // 2016 starts Nov 16th

As hundreds of people across Microsoft head towards New York City we wanted to take this opportunity to write a short blog post to remind our community that we’re almost ready to unveil Connect(); // 2016, Microsoft’s big fall developer event, streaming live and totally for free from November 16th through the 18th. You might be reading this and ...
