March 7th, 2019

Windows Desktop Developer Twitch Workshop (March 14, 2019)

Dmitry Lyalin
Principal Program Manager

Today we’d like to announce an upcoming free live streaming workshop on March 14th, 2019 focused on Windows Desktop development for .NET applications using frameworks such as WPF, WinForms and UWP.

The day will be split into three themes:

  • Productivity: Productivity for existing developers focused on Visual Studio XAML tooling and design pattern framework libraries
  • Desktop Apps of Tomorrow: Looking forward to how you can get started exploring the latest technology for your desktop application such as .NET Core 3, XAML Islands, MSIX and Windows 10 APIs
  • Extending Your Skills: Reusing skills with Xamarin.Forms for mobile apps and DevOps for desktop applications

All sessions will be streaming live and will be on hour long, and we’ll be taking your questions live through Twitch chat!

How to watch?

This workshop will be available through our Visual Studio Twitch channel.

Watch Here:

Workshop Agenda

The following is our detailed agenda for March 14th workshop. Please note that all times are in US Pacific Time

Time (PT) Description Speaker
8AM – 9AM Lap Around Windows Developer XAML Tooling for WPF & UWP Daniel Jacobson & Dmitry Lyalin
9AM – 10AM Building Composite .NET Core 3.0 Applications with Prism Brian Lagunas (Microsoft MVP)
10AM – 11AM Reactive MVVM on the .NET Platform Geoffrey Huntley (Microsoft MVP)
11AM – 12PM Porting WinForms and WPF applications to .NET Core 3.0 Olia Gavrysh
12PM – 1PM Modernizing your existing Windows Desktop UIs with XAML Islands Miguel Ramos
1PM – 2PM Introduction to Xamarin.Forms for the XAML developer James Montemagno
2PM – 3PM DevOps for Desktop Applications Abel Wang &  Ricardo Minguez Pablos (RIDO)

For more details such as session abstracts visit our event’s GitHub page.

If you miss this workshop live stream, please be aware the session content will also be posted on our Visual Studio YouTube Channel within about a week of the live broadcast.

Questions? Let us know

We hope you will join us and if you have any questions or feedback don’t hesitate to ask in the comments or directly to me via Twitter.


Dmitry Lyalin
Principal Program Manager

I work in the .NET team as a Program Manager with a focus on bringing Hot Reload 🔥 technology to Visual Studio and as many .NET developers as possible. I also work on .NET MAUI and XAML Tools. When not keeping busy at my virtual office I am a busy dad, who occasionally tries to find time to still be a PC Gamer.


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  • PandaSharp

    I would add also an .ics file link to this article, so we can easily add the event to our calendar

  • Tadahiro Ishisaka

    Why are not you using “Mixer” even though it is your own service?

    • PandaSharp

      +1 it has also superior quality (and less lag) than twitch

      • Geoffrey Huntley

        Because the creative community is on twitch. Twitch is where the software developers are.

    • Dan Liston

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