Showing results for Team - Developer Support

Dec 21, 2020

SharePoint Workflow transformation to Power Automate

Developer Support
Developer Support

The SharePoint Workflow transformation to Power Automate workshop is targeted toward a Business and IT audience and focuses on workflow assessment and migration guidance to Power Automate in a discovery and hands-on learning event.

Dec 15, 2020

There’s more to Power Platform than low-code/no-code development

Developer Support
Developer Support

Power Platform is incredibly powerful and capable. If you are new to Power Platform, there are a lot of great reasons to check it out, but if you are already an organization using Office 365, you may be missing out.

TeamPower AppsPower BI
Sep 30, 2020

Collect and Automate Diagnostic Actions with Azure App Services

Developer Support
Developer Support

Troubleshooting production systems is often a balance between restoring services quickly and trying to collect enough information to isolate what caused the issue. For complex application issues, it’s almost always helpful to capture a memory dump.

TeamAzureApp Services
Aug 27, 2020

Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning

Developer Support
Developer Support

Machine learning is a very powerful tool for businesses and researchers to create predictions for data problems. However, there are many steps to creating models and not every model is suited for each problem. We have to use a combination of human judgment and computational techniques to create the right model.

TeamMachine Learning
Jul 29, 2020

Measuring Concurrent Jobs Over Time

Developer Support
Developer Support

If you are looking to move your Azure DevOps Server or TFS implementation to Azure DevOps Services, you will find that the licensing and pricing around concurrent jobs has changed.

TeamAzure DevOpsTFS
Jul 15, 2020

Opening an Incident Using Microsoft Premier Online, now Services Hub

Developer Support
Developer Support

Microsoft Services Hub is a secured online portal exclusively available for Premier and Unified support customers. The site provides a wealth of support resources to help you troubleshoot issues and stay knowledgeable about Microsoft technologies.

Jun 30, 2020

What’s In A Name?

Developer Support
Developer Support

Productivity and efficiency (pronounced developer happiness) are hinged on reducing one's cognitive overhead; if I have to stop what I’m doing to process why something is the way it is, there's a chance that the design was flawed. Norman Doors exist everywhere; let’s get rid of them a name at a time.

Jun 29, 2020

Extending Teams with Broadcast Messaging

Developer Support
Developer Support

One of the common and important scenarios for many organizations these days is the necessity of sending a message - or even an alert - to all the users across the company. This is also called “broadcast messaging” or “proactive messaging”.

TeamMicrosoft Teams
Jun 26, 2020

How Microsoft helps customers adopt Azure through developer education

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, we review how Microsoft is helping our customers achieve tech intensity by providing a wide array of Azure learning opportunities to constantly build, maintain and strengthen the cloud capabilities of their developers and IT staff.

Jun 6, 2020

The Importance of Quality Assurance in the Development Life Cycle

Developer Support
Developer Support

Whether it's a software lab or an in-house department that creates its own applications, its reputation can be made or destroyed whenever a product is launched. Therefore, the concern with software quality becomes increasingly essential for any company that wants to stand out in the market.

TeamDevOpsAzure DevOps