Showing results for September 2019 - Developer Support

Sep 27, 2019

Go from a C# Developer’s Perspective

Developer Support
Developer Support

As a cloud developer, I increasingly encounter projects that involves Go. Azure services such as AKS, Blockchain, Terraform, and supporting technologies such as Helm are all heavily Go. In addition, Go is a first-class citizen on Azure as all core PaaS SDKs offer Go libraries. In this post, let's compare Go and C# key concepts.

TeamAzureOpen Source
Sep 25, 2019

A Survey of Kubernetes Features in Azure

Developer Support
Developer Support

Using Azure services like AKS, Azure Container Instances and Azure Dev Spaces makes setting up a cluster and testing your containers relatively simple.

TeamAzure DevOpsDocker
Sep 23, 2019

.NET Conf 2019

Developer Support
Developer Support

.NET Conf 2019, a free, 3-day, virtual developer event

Team.NETVisual Studio
Sep 20, 2019

Workshop Spotlight: Modern Authentication and Authorization

Developer Support
Developer Support

Building applications operating in the internet environment requires understanding of options available for performing authentication and authorization. These options include, both a variety of protocols such as OAuth2 and WS-Federation, as well as tools and toolkits such as Azure AD, AD FS and ADAL.

Sep 13, 2019

Ordering Messages in Azure Service Bus

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post illustrates how we can force an ordering of messages processed by Azure Service Bus. The intent is to illustrate some of the existing and exciting features of Azure Service Bus.

TeamAzureAzure Service Bus
Sep 6, 2019

Update My Blog Via Email with Azure Functions

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, App Dev Manager Isaac Levin showcase the versatility of Azure Function with a solution that updates his Blog via Email. I have blogged about the changes I made to streamline my site architecture and continue to work on ways to improve it. One thing that I did a month ago was replace the static page that was my [speaking page...

TeamAzure Functions