Showing results for February 2020 - Developer Support

Feb 21, 2020

Sprint Zero Considered Harmful!

Developer Support
Developer Support

Successfully delivering valuable functionality in the first sprint or three can be difficult, and for some, simply impossible. But the lessons learned from the attempt are invaluable! Taking an early hit, failing in the short term is unimportant if it improves the chance of success in the long run.

TeamALMAzure DevOps
Feb 21, 2020

Azure Key Vault and Transparent Data Encryption

Developer Support
Developer Support

Azure Key Vault is a tool for securely storing and accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, or certificates. A vault is a logical group of secrets.

TeamAzure Key Vaultencryption
Feb 20, 2020

How to Maximize the Value of Your Planning Session

Developer Support
Developer Support

Asking these questions during sprint planning is a great way to start a conversation that will both achieve the principles of collaboration and engagement, and ensure a greater understanding of the value that the product is expected to deliver to its users.

Feb 17, 2020

Get WebPart Information using REST

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post will give an example of getting WebPart information for a page, using the REST API. The gd-sprest library will be used for this example.

Feb 17, 2020

Using B2C to support multi-tenant SaaS apps

Developer Support
Developer Support

AAD multi-tenancy is ideal for medium-to-large enterprises who own and manage their own identity infrastructure. This sample is for small enterprises, usually without their own identity infrastructure. It provides support for an application that needs to group it's users into discrete groups, each representing an application tenant.

TeamAzureAzure AD
Feb 16, 2020

The Soul of Innovation

Developer Support
Developer Support

What's the soul of innovation? It is energy. It is knowledge. It is having a purpose. It is a DevOps culture. A better question, however, is "who is the soul of innovation in your organization?"

Feb 13, 2020

Connect to SharePoint using NodeJS

Developer Support
Developer Support

Premier Field Engineer Gunjan Datta demonstrates how to retrieve data from SharePoint using NodeJS.

Feb 12, 2020

Unseen secrets – using KeyVault to protect OAuth2 token requests

Developer Support
Developer Support

This sample implements an Azure Function App, which uses Azure KeyVault to sign OAuth2 client assertions used to obtain JWT tokens from Azure AD. The private key used to sign the client assertion and thus authenticate the function to Azure AD is generated in the KeyVault and never leaves that service (it is not exportable).

TeamMarius RochonAzure Functions