Showing results for September 2007 - Developer Support

Sep 12, 2007

Calling WCF services from NetCF 3.5 using Compact WCF and NetCFSvcUtil.exe

Andrew Arnott
Andrew Arnott

The .NET Compact Framework 3.5 adds a subset of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF or "Indigo") to smart devices, allowing them to communicate with desktop WCF components with all the flexibility of multiple, interchangeable service bindings and endpoints.  Although it ships out of the box only with support for message-level communicati...

andarno.NETMobile devices
Sep 12, 2007

Power Toys for .NET Compact Framework 3.5 CTP released

Andrew Arnott
Andrew Arnott

The .NET Compact Framework team just released the Consumer Technology Preview (CTP) of the Power Toys for .NET Compact Framework 3.5.  These Power Toys are tools to help you build, debug and optimizie your NetCF 3.5 applications.  My personal favorite is the NetCF ServiceModel Metadata Tool (NetCFSvcUtil.exe) which allows NetCF clients...

andarno.NETMobile devices
Sep 6, 2007

Where are the InfoCard sites?

Andrew Arnott
Andrew Arnott

InfoCard is the greatest invention since the web browser!  In my opinion anyway.  If you don't agree or you haven't heard of InfoCard, please read from the, and in particular the post on the Laws of Identity.  It's really quite impressive what engineering problems InfoCard has been able to solve. I'm just gett...

Sep 5, 2007

How to find the focused ListBoxItem in WPF

Andrew Arnott
Andrew Arnott

One would expect that the WPF ListBox control would have some kind of FocusedIndex property to find out which item has the keyboard focus (and that dashed border around it) -- but it's not there.  It seems the workaround requires a few lines of code, which I present here. ListBox.SelectionMode = Single In a ListBox's default mode that all...
