Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

TFS 2018–XAML is back?!

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Derrick Cawthon weighs in on one of the latest announcements that TFS 2018 will include XAML builds. Starting in TFS 2017 it was announced that XAML builds were being deprecated. No big surprise to anyone paying attention as they are an older build system which had to go at some point. However this ...

Proactively Plan for your Critical Event in Azure with Enhanced Support and Engineering Services

In this post, Principal Consultant Jon Guerin lays out the benefits of Azure Event Management (AEM) and how to get started with the program.Deploying an application to Azure in support of a high-profile business event can have many advantages. But failing to assess up front potential gaps that could negatively affect performance and ...

Container? Why not App Services?

In this post, Senior Premier Developer Consultant Casey Kriutzfield gives a walkthrough of deploying Linux Containers in Azure App Services.Containers have been popular lately, and Microsoft Azure has several products that are ready and able to serve your containers. Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Instances, and Service Fabric are ...

Monitoring Python Applications with Azure App Insights

In this blog post, Premier Developer Consultant Najib Zarrari walks through how to use Azure Application Insights to monitor web applications written in Python using the Flask framework.Read Najib’s blog post here to learn how to set up Application Insights, download and instrument a Python web application, create custom events and metrics ...

Dissecting new generic constraints in C# 7.3

During the last Build conference, Microsoft has announced the next version of Visual Studio with C# 7.3 support. This is yet another minor language update with some quite interesting features. The main change was related to generics, starting from C# 7.3 there 3 more constraints: , and . The constraint The constraint on generic type ...

Safe On-Premises Releases Using VSTS

Read on to learn how Premier Developer Consultant Ilias Jennane addresses the idea of safe releases and incremental feature rollout for on-premises releases using Visual Studio Team Services.I have recently interacted with many customers that were clearly under the impression that they should only consider DevOps practices if they are doing ...

Create Your First CI Pipeline in 10 Minutes or Less

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Derrick Cawthon shares how to quickly create a continuous integration pipeline in VSTS, so teams can start pursuing their DevOps journeys.During your DevOps journey typically the first item you will want to do (after establishing a good process for the team) is setup a Continuous Integration (CI) ...