Showing results for May 2024 - Developer Support

May 30, 2024

VBScript deprecation: Timelines and next steps

Developer Support
Developer Support

Scripting options for web development and task automation are modernizing. To provide you with the most modern and efficient options, we are replacing VBScript with more advanced alternatives such as JavaScript and PowerShell. Find out what VBScript deprecation means for you and how you can get ready. What is VBScript? Visual Basic Scripting Edit...

May 14, 2024

Azure CI/CD: Govern seamlessly from start to finish

Developer Support
Developer Support

Debjyoti Ganguly shares insights on a resilient end-to-end cloud governance framework for Azure CI/CD pipelines. Hey there, tech enthusiasts! This article serves as a technical guide to implementing a resilient end-to-end cloud governance framework for Azure CI/CD pipelines. It is designed to be vendor-agnostic and aligns seamlessly with ent...

DevOpsContinuous IntegrationEntra ID
May 14, 2024

Azure Machine Learning Service for Kubernetes Architects: Deploy Your First Model on AKS with AZ CLI v2

Developer Support
Developer Support

Joseph Masengesho provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to deploy your first ML model on AKS. In a previous post, I provided a lengthy write-up about my understanding of using Kubernetes as a compute target in Azure ML from a Kubernetes architect’s perspective. In this post, I will offer a step-by-step tutorial that teaches you how to deploy...

Machine LearningAKS