Showing results for Ilias Jennane - Developer Support

Mar 11, 2019

Moving to the Cloud is NOT about the Cloud

Developer Support
Developer Support

One of the questions that I get asked very regularly by customers, colleagues, and friends is “Why do I need to move my … to the cloud?“ Almost every time this question comes up, the conversation very quickly gets into technical capabilities of the cloud, cost saving or the last service that this or that cloud vendor has released. These are all valid reasons, but that’s not what drives people, teams, or organizations.

TeamAzureIlias Jennane
Jun 11, 2018

Safe On-Premises Releases Using VSTS

Developer Support
Developer Support

Read on to learn how Premier Developer Consultant Ilias Jennane addresses the idea of safe releases and incremental feature rollout for on-premises releases using Visual Studio Team Services.I have recently interacted with many customers that were clearly under the impression that they should only consider DevOps practices if they are doing Cloud ...

TeamVSTSVisual Studio Team Services
Jun 6, 2018

Automating Releases to Separate Azure Resource Groups using both TFS and VSTS

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post is written collaboratively by Premier Developer Consultants Ilias Jennane and Daisy Chaussee along with App Dev Manager Wyn Lewis-Bevan. Read on to learn how to build a solution in TFS, release it in VSTS, and automate the deployments to separate Azure Resource Groups. Business Case: One of our customers recently challenged us with a ...

May 16, 2018

The “P” in “PM”

Developer Support
Developer Support

In the following post, Premier Developer Consultant Ilias Jennane sheds more light on the PM role and how it fits into the bigger picture of DevOps. In recent discussions with customers and colleagues about why large I.T. shops often struggle in adhering to Agile principles or becoming DevOps organizations, I couldn’t help but notice something ...

DevOpsIlias Jennane
Dec 4, 2017

A branching strategy for CI/CD using Git in VSTS

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

In this post from his blog, Premier Developer consultant Ilias Jennane discusses a strategy that can be used for branching and merging using Git in VSTS in a continuous integration/continuous deployment environment.When it comes to Branching and Merging strategies, the internet is full of examples and “best practices”. I personally don’t ...

Apr 4, 2017

Scaling Agile using Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

In the latest article on his blog, Premier Developer consultant Ilias Jennane discusses how to scale the Agile software development process for large organizations using Visual Studio Team Services. When the Agile Manifesto was written about 16 years ago, it had a simple goal and that is to uncover better ways of writing software. Source: ...