Showing results for CI - Developer Support

May 24, 2022

Performance regression tests at Microsoft Security

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Maor Frankel shares insights about performance regression testing in Microsoft Security. During the past 6 years, a significant amount of my work has gone into improving the performance of the Web application I work on. This has been the case at my previous work at Outbrain and at my current position in the front end (FE) ...

TestingCIContinuous Integration
Aug 20, 2018

Continuous Integration, Deployment and Test Automation for Dynamics CRM

Developer Support
Developer Support

Through this series I will be able to share my journey on implementing CICD process for Dynamics CRM with process workflow, POC, and tools. I am sure this will assist developers and architects in having confidence in implementing a successful CICD process for CRM.

Jun 10, 2018

Create Your First CI Pipeline in 10 Minutes or Less

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Derrick Cawthon shares how to quickly create a continuous integration pipeline in VSTS, so teams can start pursuing their DevOps journeys.During your DevOps journey typically the first item you will want to do (after establishing a good process for the team) is setup a Continuous Integration (CI) build. ...

TeamVSTSVisual Studio Team Services
Jun 6, 2018

Automating Releases to Separate Azure Resource Groups using both TFS and VSTS

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post is written collaboratively by Premier Developer Consultants Ilias Jennane and Daisy Chaussee along with App Dev Manager Wyn Lewis-Bevan. Read on to learn how to build a solution in TFS, release it in VSTS, and automate the deployments to separate Azure Resource Groups. Business Case: One of our customers recently challenged us with a ...

Apr 13, 2018

Integrating Selenium tests in a release pipeline

Developer Support
Developer Support

Senior Application Development Manager Marcelo Silva recently posted this article demonstrating how to implement UI test automation using VSTS and Selenium.Today, I'd like to show you a proof-of-concept I created for one of my customers where we implement User Interface (UI) test automation into a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) ...

Mar 11, 2018

Setting up CI/CD targeting Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes Using VSTS

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Najib Zarrari demonstrates how to deploy a containerized ASP.NET Core Web API app into an OpenShift Kubernetes cluster.The first part of this blog will go over how to create a sample ASP.NET Core web application with Docker support. We will use this as our demo app to deploy to the Kubernetes cluster. Then...

Dec 4, 2017

A branching strategy for CI/CD using Git in VSTS

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

In this post from his blog, Premier Developer consultant Ilias Jennane discusses a strategy that can be used for branching and merging using Git in VSTS in a continuous integration/continuous deployment environment.When it comes to Branching and Merging strategies, the internet is full of examples and “best practices”. I personally don’t ...

May 26, 2016

Versioning and Deploying Salesforce Metadata using TFS/VSTS

Monu Bambroo
Monu Bambroo

In this post Premier Developer Consultant Najib Zarrari will show us how to use Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) or on-prem Team Foundation Server (TFS) version control system to version control customizations. He showcases how the Build feature in VSTS or TFS can enable you to deploy customizations from one Salesforce ...