Showing results for Web - Developer Support

May 10, 2019

Migrating a static web site using custom HTTP modules to Azure App Service

Developer Support
Developer Support

I was asked recently about migrating a local Internet Information Server (IIS) static web application to an Azure App Service. For this type of question For migrations to Azure, resources like the App Service Migration tool are usually a good place to start. In this case the App Service Migration tool reported issues...

TeamApp ServicesIIS
Mar 13, 2019

New Concept: Diversity Driven Development

Developer Support
Developer Support

Diversity Driven Development (DDD) is concept that I’ve envisioned for some time. DDD can enable you, your team and/or your organization to build software and services that provide solution beyond just the current customer demographic.

Mar 7, 2019

Exploring Blazor with Visual Studio 2019

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Senior App Dev Manager Keith Beller walks use through Blazor, a new experimental framework for WebAssembly. What is Blazor? After 22 years of dominance as “the” native language for client-side browser interaction, JavaScript is facing new competition from other popular languages such as C/C++, Go, PHP, C# and others ... coreWebAssembly
Feb 27, 2019

Enterprise Application Modernization using Windows Containers

Developer Support
Developer Support

Enterprise organizations today have numerous simple CRUD based applications that call for modernization without necessarily needing to re-architect the legacy apps. If you have an existing .NET app that could use CI/CD but not necessarily any immediate rearchitecting efforts, this blog is for you.

Feb 26, 2019

IIS Remote Management for Docker Containers

Developer Support
Developer Support

When running IIS in a Windows Container, you configure it using PowerShell commands in your Dockerfile. While determining the correct PowerShell commands is not a difficult process it is inconvenient to verify the settings using the command line only. Sometimes, you just need a UI to quickly view and manage your IIS configuration.

DockerContainersRandy Patterson
Feb 20, 2019

Convert ASP.NET WebForms with Windows Authentication to use AAD

Developer Support
Developer Support

I work with a lot of enterprise customers that have sizable portfolios of Intranet web sites using Web Forms and Windows Integrated Authentication that they would like to move to Azure PaaS; however, we’ve found that a lot of documentation on these topics doesn’t extend back to Web Forms and instead targets .NET Core and MVC.

Jan 24, 2019

Set up IIS on Windows Virtual Machine

Developer Support
Developer Support

App Dev Manager Vijetha Marinagammanavar provides a walk-through of setting up IIS on a Windows Virtual machine hosted in Azure.

Jan 14, 2019

Moving your ASP.NET applications to the Microsoft Cloud

Developer Support
Developer Support

There are a few key scenarios that you will want to consider as you plan your migration strategy. Unless you have unlimited time, resources and money, it is likely that you will have to consider implementing one or more of the following options…
Dec 20, 2018

Interacting With Push Notifications Under Angular 7 Applications

Developer Support
Developer Support

Until recently Angular supported SwPush class which allowed PWA capable applications to subscribe and listen to push notifications from the Service Worker. Here is an example where I am subscribing to clicking on the notification card which will redirect the user to my blog. Also notice that you also have access to the action that triggered the click. So you can wire your code to react differently to different actions.

TeamAngularWael Kdouh
