Showing results for core - Developer Support

Mar 18, 2020

Sharing gRPC ProtoBuf contracts using a REST endpoint

Developer Support
Developer Support

One of the challenges of implementing gRPC services is distributing the required ProtoBuf contracts and updates to clients. Delivering the contracts using a URL can make the services easier to use and discover. Learn how you can use ASP.NET Core static files middleware to distribute your proto files. core
Jan 20, 2020

Understanding how to port your ASP.NET web apps to ASP.NET Core

Developer Support
Developer Support

There are several reasons that developers and architects may consider moving to ASP.NET Core. In this post, learn all the considerations when planning an upgrade from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core. core
Mar 7, 2019

Exploring Blazor with Visual Studio 2019

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Senior App Dev Manager Keith Beller walks use through Blazor, a new experimental framework for WebAssembly. What is Blazor? After 22 years of dominance as “the” native language for client-side browser interaction, JavaScript is facing new competition from other popular languages such as C/C++, Go, PHP, C# and others thanks to ... coreWebAssembly
Jun 29, 2018

Angular How-to: Share Server-side Validation

Developer Support
Developer Support

Laurie Atkinson, Senior Consultant, avoid duplication of field-level validation by dynamically applying server-side validation rules on Angular controls. Validation attributes are simple to apply to an Angular control within an HTML template, but that validation logic must be duplicated on the server. Instead, you can build an Angular valida... coreTypescript
Apr 26, 2018

Setting up .NET Core Configuration Providers

Developer Support
Developer Support

ASP Core uses the convenient Provider Pattern to load configuration key/value pairs from various sources and expose those to you as a single Configuration object. This allows you to grab a configuration key like ConnectionString with one line of code regardless of where it was sourced from. However, the configuration API is not available by default...

Visual Studio.NET core
Apr 15, 2018

Order of Precedence when Configuring ASP.NET Core

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Randy Patterson introduces the new configuration API for ASP.NET Core and its order of precedence. In previous version of ASP.NET, configuration was primarily handled by the ConfigurationManager class. This class typically obtained the user configurable settings from the AppSettings section located in t... core
Mar 9, 2018

Supporting Micro-frontends with ASP.NET Core MVC

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, App Dev Manager John Abele explores micro-frontend design with ASP.NET Core and MVC. Many development teams have spent the last few years organizing and empowering cross-functional teams, building independently managed microservices, and implementing DevOps pipelines to go faster than ever! These industry shifts, critical fo... coreMicroservices
Dec 9, 2017

Amazon Alexa Skills authenticated by Azure Active Directory and backed by ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API hosted on Azure

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post is provided by Premier Field Engineer, Nathan Vanderby, who walks us through how to write an Alexa skill using .NET core and AAD.  Lasted updated, June 2018. Amazon's Echo devices and Alexa assistant need no introduction. In this post I lay out how you can write an Alexa skill and use a .NET core 2.0 API backend service to handle t... core