Showing results for Randy Patterson - Developer Support

Mar 28, 2019

Bypassing authentication for the local Kubernetes Cluster Dashboard

Developer Support
Developer Support

It’s no secret that you can run a local version of Kubernetes on Docker Desktop for Windows, however, getting the Dashboard installed and configured correctly can be challenging. The problem is that the default installation requires you to manage an admin user and copy that user's bearer token into the portal to login.

TeamKubernetesRandy Patterson
Mar 21, 2019

Mixing Windows and Linux containers with Docker Compose

Developer Support
Developer Support

Running Linux containers on a Windows host has been available for awhile now. However, getting Windows and Linux containers to communicate without Docker Compose results in using the containers’ IP Addresses. This is not a good solution since container IP Addresses change often.

Feb 26, 2019

IIS Remote Management for Docker Containers

Developer Support
Developer Support

When running IIS in a Windows Container, you configure it using PowerShell commands in your Dockerfile. While determining the correct PowerShell commands is not a difficult process it is inconvenient to verify the settings using the command line only. Sometimes, you just need a UI to quickly view and manage your IIS configuration.

DockerContainersRandy Patterson
Apr 26, 2018

Setting up .NET Core Configuration Providers

Developer Support
Developer Support

ASP Core uses the convenient Provider Pattern to load configuration key/value pairs from various sources and expose those to you as a single Configuration object. This allows you to grab a configuration key like ConnectionString with one line of code regardless of where it was sourced from. However, the configuration API is not available by default in .NET Core Console applications.

Visual Studio.NET core
Apr 20, 2018

Running Docker Windows and Linux Containers Simultaneously

Developer Support
Developer Support

Many of you with familiarity with Docker for Windows know how you currently have to switch between running either Windows or Linux Containers. In the following post, Premier Developer Consultant Randy Patterson teaches us how to combat this limitation and run Docker Windows and Linux Containers simultaneously on the same host. Starting with ...

Apr 15, 2018

Order of Precedence when Configuring ASP.NET Core

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Randy Patterson introduces the new configuration API for ASP.NET Core and its order of precedence. In previous version of ASP.NET, configuration was primarily handled by the ConfigurationManager class. This class typically obtained the user configurable settings from the AppSettings section located in ... core
Nov 10, 2017

Debugging ASP Core on Linux with Visual Studio 2017

Developer Support
Developer Support

NET Core and specifically ASP Core is an Open Source, High Performance implementation of .NET that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac. After you deploy your web application to a Linux server it can be difficult to troubleshoot when issues arise. In this article, I’ll show you how to configure your Linux test server and Development environment to allow remote debugging giving you all the greatness of debugging in Visual Studio while your code is running on a Linux server.

TeamVisual Studio.NET Core
Jun 5, 2017

Defining ASP.NET Core Controller action constraint to match the correct action

Developer Support
Developer Support

When developing Web Api controllers many times we have situations where we need to define similar arguments in different methods. For example, a controller that has 2 methods that query users either by last name or date of birth. The name of the method is different but they both will receive a single argument of type string. When the routing engine can’t determine which action method it should call, a status code of 500 is returned.

.NET.NET core
