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Walk through Running Traefik on Service Fabric Local Cluster

In order to help you get up and running quickly to test Træfik and Service Fabric, this post will walk you through how to set this up on your local development cluster. There is good documentation at Running Træfik on Azure Service Fabric, but with a local development cluster you can skip some steps, and there are one or two snags I can help you avoid.

[Service Fabric] Stateful Reliable Collection Backup –The New Way

Recently, the Service Fabric team announced general availability of a new method of backup and restore of stateful reliable collections. What this blog post will provide, is a complete project sample on how to setup and perform a Backup (but not a Restore), with PowerShell, ARM template and code, to help you understand how to tie this all together. I’ll cover restore in a future post.

Accessing Certificates in Service Fabric Hosted Windows Containers

In this post, senior consultant Megan Meyer demonstrates how you can utilize SetupEntryPoint scripts to manage acquiring certificates and making them available to your Service Fabric hosted container. This blog covers an approach that allows greater control and flexibility at the time of service setup so that you can have runtime access to certificate files within your container.

Running .NET Core 2.0 applications in a Linux Service Fabric Cluster on Azure

In this post, Senior App. Dev. Managers Guru Satish Piduru and Mahendar Madhavaram explain how to deploy .NET Core 2.0 applications to a Linux Service Fabric Cluster.The support for running .NET Core 2.0 applications in Service Fabric Cluster (SFC) environment on Linux is in preview mode today and general availability in the coming months. ...

Docker Blog Series Part 6 – How to use Service Fabric Reverse Proxy for container services

Learn about the container orchestrator, Service Fabric, and how to use Service Fabric Reverse Proxy for container services in Monu’s latest post. Monu Bambroo is a Consultant on the Premier Developer team. Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable ...

Self-Hosting a Bot in Service Fabric with Katana

Read on to learn how to use the Katana-based OWIN stack within Service Fabric. In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Megan Meyer walks through how to host the Bot Builder SDK Echo Bot in Service Fabric. I recently participated in a small hackathon with some Microsoft ninjas where we were presented with the problem, How do you host a ...

Docker Blog Series Part 5 – Understanding new container management features in Service Fabric

In the latest post in his Docker series, Premier Developer consultant Monu Bambroo talks about some of the new features in Service Fabric regarding container management. Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and containers. Service Fabric ...

[Service Fabric] How to troubleshoot deployment errors in Service Fabric Windows cluster

Having issues deploying your service to your Service Fabric cluster?  Check out this post from Premier Developer consultant Julien Oudot on troubleshooting deployment issues in Service Fabric. The Service Fabric explorer is a great interface to control the cluster health and configuration. However, I recently worked with customers who ...