Read on to learn how to use the Katana-based OWIN stack within Service Fabric. In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Megan Meyer walks through how to host the Bot Builder SDK Echo Bot in Service Fabric.
I recently participated in a small hackathon with some Microsoft ninjas where we were presented with the problem, How do you host a bot in Service Fabric? It seemed like an easy problem that had probably already been solved, but it wasn’t as straightforward as we thought it might be.
At its core from a technology perspective, a bot is really just a Web API. We didn’t want to actually host IIS on Service Fabric, so we knew we would want to self-host. If you use the built-in Stateless Service ASP.NET Core template, you’ll get a great Web API implementation that’s wired up with a KestrelCommunictionListener for Service Fabric. But what if you want to use Katana — Microsoft’s .NET Framework OWIN implementation?
To understand how to use Katana within Service Fabric, continue reading on Megan’s blog here.