January 30th, 2019

[Service Fabric] Stateful Reliable Collection Backup –The New Way

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Premier Developer Consultant Larry Wall explores the new method of backup and restore with stateful reliable collections.

In my previous article on Service Fabric Backup and Restore, it could be witnessed that the process of setting up the process via APIs was pretty tedious, plus the fact that it was almost entirely developer driven (meaning C# coding). It was also a bit confusing to try to figure out how the full and incremental backups were stored in their folder structure(s).

Recently, the Service Fabric team announced general availability of a new method of backup and restore of stateful reliable collections (requires version 6.4 of the Service Fabric bits). You may see what is termed as a ‘no code’ method of performing a backup/restore, I’ll explain what that means below.

What this blog post will provide, is a complete project sample on how to setup and perform a Backup (but not a Restore), with PowerShell, ARM template and code, to help you understand how to tie this all together. I’ll cover restore in a future post.

Continue reading on Larry’s blog


Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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