Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Moving to the Cloud is NOT about the Cloud

One of the questions that I get asked very regularly by customers, colleagues, and friends is “Why do I need to move my … to the cloud?“ Almost every time this question comes up, the conversation very quickly gets into technical capabilities of the cloud, cost saving or the last service that this or that cloud vendor has released. These are all valid reasons, but that’s not what drives people, teams, or organizations.

Consider This When Planning your TFS to Azure DevOps Migration

Depending on what version of TFS you intend to migrate and what features you are using, there are a few things that in my opinion are “major” considerations because they have the potential of adding scope to your migration efforts. While you will find out about them as you read through the official migration guide, I believe there is value to knowing these things prior to embarking in such journey. 

Exploring Blazor with Visual Studio 2019

In this post, Senior App Dev Manager Keith Beller walks use through Blazor, a new experimental framework for WebAssembly. What is Blazor? After 22 years of dominance as “the” native language for client-side browser interaction, JavaScript is facing new competition from other popular languages such as C/C++, Go, PHP, C# and others ...

Gathering real-time Perfmon Counters in a cluster

Performance (aka. Perfmon) Counters are critical to understanding the health of and diagnosing issues on Windows. In recent performance and scalability testing of a solution built on top of Azure Service Fabric, we collected Perfmon Counters across 15 VMs and sent them to Log Analytics. This was very helpful; however, there were times when we wanted them to be real time.

Accessibility Testing with Azure DevOps Pipelines

I was recently working with one of my customers to help them improve the usability of their applications as mandated by their IT staff. The goal was to create quality web applications that can be equally useful to all users including those with disabilities. Together, we reviewed many good tools and potential best practices, but we wanted something that would specifically run as part of the application release process.

Walk through Running Traefik on Service Fabric Local Cluster

In order to help you get up and running quickly to test Træfik and Service Fabric, this post will walk you through how to set this up on your local development cluster. There is good documentation at Running Træfik on Azure Service Fabric, but with a local development cluster you can skip some steps, and there are one or two snags I can help you avoid.

Azure BOTs – getting extra access tokens

In this post, Premier Dev Consultant Marius Rochon show us how to obtain extra access tokens using OAuth2 Extension flow (on-behalf-of flow). The following describes an approach for getting access tokens to more than one resource, without re-displaying the sign in dialog (using the V2 Azure AD endpoint). In a nutshell, the procedure...