Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Recommendations API is retired! Here is what you can do.

On February 15, 2018, “Recommendations API is no longer under active development” – as stated in the Recommendations API documentation. Our product team came up with an alternative new open-source solution called Recommendations Solution Template, which will let you host the recommendation engine within your Azure subscription. In this blog, will guide you through the steps of creating Recommendations engine, deploy and train your model. But first before doing that, let’s get to know the new additional components.

DevOps and Culture, part 1

Peter Drucker famously said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” This is a great introduction to how we think about DevOps and in this article, I’m going to unpack this statement so that we have a bit more context. This is the first part of multiple articles on culture as it relates to DevOps.