Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

ARR and benefits for Premier customers

Senior Application Development Managers Sanjeev Gogna and Charles Ofori explain Azure Rapid Response (ARR) program, and explain how it benefits Premier customers. Overview With today's technology, availability, reliability, and uptime are fundamental to success. To overcome incidents and interruptions, Microsoft offers Azure Rapid ...

Integrating Selenium tests in a release pipeline

Senior Application Development Manager Marcelo Silva recently posted this article demonstrating how to implement UI test automation using VSTS and Selenium.Today, I'd like to show you a proof-of-concept I created for one of my customers where we implement User Interface (UI) test automation into a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI...

Part 2: Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set and Windows Containers–Networking Tips

In part 2 of 2 blog posts, Premier Developer Consultant Julien Oudot continues his networking tips about Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) and Windows Containers. Building on the first post about VMSS set-up, Julien walks through how to communicate with containers running on nodes deployed as part of VMSS. If you haven’t read it ...

SonarQube Integration with VSTS

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Sana Noorani details how to integrate SonarQube with VSTS, so you can detect issues in code and trigger builds only when code checks pass. Introduction to SonarQubeSonarQube is an open source tool used for continuously checking code quality. Many developers will add it to their DevOps pipelines with ...

Performance traps of ref locals and ref returns in C#

The C# language from the very first version supported passing arguments by value or by reference. But before C# 7 the C# compiler supported only one way of returning a value from a method (or a property) - returning by value. This has been changed in C# 7 with two new features: ref returns and ref locals. But unlike other features that were...

Experiments with HoloLens, Mixed Reality Toolkit and two-handed manipulations

Senior Consultant/ADM Davide Zordan recently posted this article on his HoloLens experiment.  In this post, he explains how to get started with HoloLens and Mixed Reality Toolkit. I’ve always been a big fan of manipulations, as in the past I worked on some multi-touch XAML Behaviors implementing rotate, translate and scale on 2D objects...

Physical Data Center Security

Senior Consultant Omar Amin recently posted this article on securing a physical data center.  In this post, he highlights roles and responsibility on security across various hosting options.I don't spend a lot of time talking to customers about physical data center security.As a developer using mostly PaaS or IaaS compute platforms, I ...